mario jones

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since Jun 14, 2001
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Recent posts by mario jones

What is SunEd's official response to the very valid responses posted on this thread?
I feel exactly the same way. The rat race created by the valliant 400 may be counter productive to Sun's intentions of gathering prepared candidates with a "reasonable" shot at passing the exam.
Or perhaps this was Sun's expectation from the start. That would be fine too but those expectations could have been managed a bit better.
183 questions and half of my Saturday later, I feel that without much of the "race" and another week or so to prepare, I would have done much better and wouldn't have felt as if I wasted so much time.
All in all I think that exam was very fair irrespective of its depth and breadth. READ the spec!!! Cover to cover and back the other way!!! So they should be able to gather plenty of statistics from the respondents regardless of our distress. (Give us a break for at least finishing the race. Cheese anyone??? )
It is very simple to write an ASCII dump utility.
Since ASCII data is 7bits it can be represented by the decimal values of 0 - 127, a simple program can be written to print the char casted values from 0 to 127.
Try this.
Nothing beats a question like code.

all compiles(jdk1.3) and runs without any problem...
hope this helps!
What is meant by BBCode blocks?
Sorry if this is an elementary question. I just haven't heard any coding standard referred as BBCode.
thanx in advance.
Does anyone out there know of a way to enforce the default java security policy without having to manually include it as a system property on the command line argument when starting an instance of the JVM?
I've been starting it like this:
java TestClient
This works but what if someone started the TestClient without the all bets are off!
What I want to do is enforce any code run on a particular system, irrespective of how the JVM was invoked, to use the default security manager. I can ensure that only one instance of the JRE is loaded on the system.
Is this doable?
Any assisatance greatly appreciated...
23 years ago
Has anyone out there written or know of any telnet programs written in Java? I am currently writing a socket listener and want to emulate most of the functionality of telnet with some proprietary functionality but i have been having some unexplained behavior. I think it relates to Terminal types. When i telnet into my listener from a windows client, you cannot see the commands as you type them but from unix all is well.
Does anyone know what the problem is or can anyone point me in a better direction?
Thanx in advance.