nagalatha mitta

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since Jun 11, 2007
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I am trying to learn jrun4.0 tool .I have installed in C:\jrun.In order to connect jrun to apache server,i have installed apache http server 2.0.61 in c:\Program Files\Apache Group .I have created indextest.html file(sample test file) and placed under c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs.I opened browser window with http:\\localhost:8080\,then it shows----------

"If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this directory and replace this page."
then according to sample test file(indextest.html) it should show ----Apache is running
Apache is running...

please somebody tell me the solution for this. i am trying from past 4 days.Thanks in advance
hi friends
HFSJ book says that if "type" is used without "class" ,the bean must already exist.My doubt is how to write a bean class code,so that bean is already stored as an attribute at the scope and with the "id" we have put in <jsp:useBean> tag.
anybody let me know please

thanks in advance
hi friends
in page 402 of HFSJ there are few lines-"The key to <jsp:include> is that the container is creating a RequestDispatcher from the page attribute and applying the include() method. The dispatched/included Jsp executes against the same request and response objects,within the same thread".

can anybody please EXPLAIN above lines more clearly.

thanks in advance
hi friends
I know that <jsp aram> standard action is used within the body of <jsp:include> ,by this we can send information from including file to included file.may i know is there any other functionalities for <jsp aram>.
if anybody knows please let me know
thanks in advance
hi friends
may i know in what scenarios "@include" is used in case of Tag Files.
if anybody knows please let me know
thanks in advance
hi friends
I have a doubt regarding <jsp:useBean> "type" attribute-if "type" is used without "class" attribute then "type" should be of what type(that is class type or abstract type or interface type).
if anybody knows the answer please let me know
thanks in advance
hi friends
can anybody clarify my doubt regarding where to place TLD files and Tag Files in dd if jared and if not jared

thanks in advance
hi friends
we know that Tag Files can use <jsp obody/> standard action to get access to the body of custom tag(which is used to invoke Tag File).my doubt is - in this case what type of body Tag Files can have access to .please let me know if anybody knows.

thanks in advance
hi friends
I know that we must override doTag() method ,in case of simple tag doubt is- in case of classic tag handler which methods we must override?
anybody let me know.

thanks in advance
hi friends
HFSJ book page 534 says- if i return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED even though the invoking tag is empty,then container knows that there is no body so it just skips to doEndTag() method.
my dought is what should be the value of <body-content> subelement in TLD in this case?

one more point in same page says-if <body-content>empty</body-content> then you must not return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED or EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE from doStartTag() method .any suggestions about this .please let me know

thanks in advance
hi friends
i have a dought-HFSJ book says -getJspContext() returns a JspContext the tag handler can use to get acess to the PageContext API to get access to implicit variables and scoped attributes.
my dought is -what are those implicit variables and scoped attributes? if anybody knows let me know.

thanks in advance
hi friends
I have a dought: in page 503 of HFSJ -Making a Simple tag handler-2nd ponit says:Implement the doTag() method-my dought is -it should be 'override' not 'Implement' ,because we are extending a class not implementing a interface?any suggestions on this let me know

thanks in advance
hi friends
In page 501 of HFSJ there is question number 2.:fill in what would you must put into a Tag File to declare tat the Tag must NOT have a body.
answer is :<%@tag body-content="empty"%>
but the answer given by the book in page 548 is :<%@tag body-content="tagdependent"%> is this a print mistake?did anybody noticed please let me know.

Thanks in advance
hi friends
I have a dought regarding custom tags(which is used to invoke Tag File)and its TLD.
HFSJ book page 500-says that "custom tags must have a TLD ,but Tag Files can declare attributes and body-content directly inside the Tag File,and need Tlds only if the Tag File is in a JAR."
my dought is:if my custom tag is trying to invoke Tag File ,then what to configuer in <name> and <tag-class> subelements of <tag> in TLD?
If anybody knows the answer please let me know.

Thanks in advance
hi friends
I have a dought regarding '@tag'.that is
<%@tag body-content="scriptless|empty|tagdependent"%>
HFSJ book says that if the body of our tag is scriptless,then no need to declare 'body-content' attribute of @tag.Because body-content of a Tag File defaults to dought is:
if the body of our tag is scriptless, then 'boby-content' attribute is not required ,but @tag is required?
I want to know above statement is true or false.If anybody knows please let me know.

Thanks in advance