Venkatesh Sandrasegaran

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since Jun 13, 2007
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Recent posts by Venkatesh Sandrasegaran

working conditions when invoking a https site using SSL implementation;

add the certificate for the https site to the cacerts truststore
* set the system property
then invoke a https site from WSAD 5.1 - worked

* implemented the same code in a MQ & WF environment, jre 1.4 - worked

* implement the sam in MQ & WF environment jre 1.3 - not working

* explicitly add a provider to file in jre 1.3, append the jsse.jar file in the path info - still didn't resolve the problem

also i am trying to upgrade the jre from 1.3 to 1.4 which would be the final step.
16 years ago
I am trying to post requests using apache HTTP client, to a https site. i set the system property for �� to hold the certificate included in "cacerts" as truststore. I am trying out on a box with the below server softwares installed.


IBM MQ Workflow

And got the exception

[org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector] - I/O exception ( caught when processing request: SSL implementation not available

(Using http client to post request)

however, it worked in my local machine with jdk 1.4 and the server machine i am trying has jdk 1.3. i googled around and found there would be a mismatch between jsse.jar, ibmjsse.jar & j2ee.jar.(

however, tried several ways to debug and could resolve it. any help would be greatly appriciated.
16 years ago
i have exactly same problem. had you got this fixed ? any suggestion would be of greater help.

Thanks in advance,
Venkatesh S
17 years ago
i had been using jdk 1.3 with WSAD 5.1.2 Integration version. i used a ant build script to generate build files, where in the build script does some house keeping job by deleting the class files and so forth. the build output is prefect, however my workspace with class files in WEBINF\classes folder is empted! i am surprised by the way it happened. i tried to set the project properties and did a Rebuild so many times still have the same problem. can any one suggest why this happens and how to solve this ?

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago
I have part of my application using MQ Workflow to call Java components; several activities executing one after the other based on the "ResultCode".
I feel this acts like a "Black box" and i am not familiar with the WF call / working mechanism ( i am not working on WF) the only way the application is debugged is from the log files (log4j used in java code).
this is the only way i can get to know any problem in the application.
even if there is really problem in the WF model or FDL definition its only the logs we need to analyze to find the problem is really with java code or WF definition.

is there any way to log "calls" within the WF and log it separately so it will be helpful to navigate the WF logs to find the problem ?
is there any way to do this ?
please help, since this becomes a huge problem when debugging with a larger application.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
I don't think RollingFileAppender can do that. But if you write a class that extends it, it shouldn't be hard to have it rename the file any way you want (the rollover method is public and can be overwritten).

Thanks for the reply, i will try and let you know...

Originally posted by Paul Clapham:
The DailyRollingFileAppender does exactly that. And you wouldn't want the date to be part of the filename like that if you weren't rolling the log files daily, would you?

Think you are getting things in a different way. i want DailyRollingFileAppender to work in a different way, i want to do the job exactly what it does with the condition on size of the file. DailyRollingFileAppender does this way, on the end of the day it rolls out as Application.log.2007-06-17 i want this rollout to happened when the size exceeds 250 MB and roll out as
Application.log.2007-06-17.1 , Application.log.2007-06-17.2 etc....

Thanks in advance,

I want to use RollingFileAppender to rollover my log files when they reach a
particular size. But, instead of renaming the files "filename.log.1" I would
like them to be renamed "" (with the date appended). Is there any way this can be done? please post your suggestions

Thanks in Advance,