Vyas Sanzgiri

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since Jun 16, 2007
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Recent posts by Vyas Sanzgiri

James Boswell wrote:Vyas

I believe the point Jeff is making is that an IDE can hide some of the fundamentals that every Java developer should know. Along with using the likes of Eclipse, NetBeans etc, it is crucial that a developer also understands the options available from the command line for the compiler and JVM.

I am happy Jennifer could run the program

True I understand I was providing an alternative easier way that I endorse for learning Java through IDEs like Netbeans

There is no need to point all posts at me [pretty shortsighted, limited experience] for the my suggestions (which I know you & Jeff disagree)

Let us focus on helping the poster and provide them all alternatives.

13 years ago
Also, Welcome to JavaRanch Gerry McArdle !!

This forum has helped me through 3 certs and lots of queries. So keep posting and contributing. Many experts are here to help
13 years ago
Are you using any IDE for compiling? If not what command do you use and what is your directory structure?
13 years ago

Jeff Verdegan wrote:

Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:

Jeff Verdegan wrote:

Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:Where did concurrency step in?

That will be clear if you read the thread.

Why is everyone assuming here?

I don't think anybody is assuming anything.

It may be that nikhil is learning Vectors!

It seems very unlikely that that is the real goal here. And if it is, he should be dissuaded from spending time on Vectors and encouraged to learn things like Collection, List, ArrayList, and Iterator.

Care to explain?

Explain what?

1. "I don't think anybody is assuming anything."
2. "dissuaded from spending time on Vectors"

PS: I read every post esp the OP before I post [Another assumption ? ]

13 years ago
Oh that was basic!

Thanks Sam
13 years ago
Thanks Christian. I would suggest sending such examples to Spring so that it benefits the community. I hope they find an easier way to do this
13 years ago

Jeff Verdegan wrote:

Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:Where did concurrency step in?

That will be clear if you read the thread.

Why is everyone assuming here?

I don't think anybody is assuming anything.

It may be that nikhil is learning Vectors!

It seems very unlikely that that is the real goal here. And if it is, he should be dissuaded from spending time on Vectors and encouraged to learn things like Collection, List, ArrayList, and Iterator.

Care to explain?
13 years ago

Jehan Jaleel wrote:Thanks Vyas, that worked.

Do you know why it was returning more than one column, as you can see in my query I am only asking for one column "AGENTSURROGATECODE".

I dont know the database you are using. Can you try it in your database and see what it returns?
13 years ago
If the query returns more than one column the List is made up of Map elements.

You might want to try
String agentCode = (String)((Map)agentItr.next()).get("AGENTSURROGATECODE");
13 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch Jay Jeong!

All the best with you assignment.
13 years ago
You may also try some IDEs which will help you focus on code and learn java. Of course there is classpath and packages.

Finally Jr is here to help
13 years ago
Where did concurrency step in? Why is everyone assuming here? It may be that nikhil is learning Vectors!
13 years ago
can you your complete Java code here ?
13 years ago

Jeff Verdegan wrote:

Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:OR

you can use some of the beautiful free editors and focus on your code rather than

Try Netbeans IDE : www.netbeans.org

I respectfully disagree. Understanding how classpath and packages work (along with the general concepts of absolute and relatives paths) is important for any Java developer. Certainly IDEs are useful as projects become bigger and more complex and the developer becomes more comfortable with the fundamentals, but by skipping to just doing everything in an IDE rather than overcoming this relatively minor obstacle, the OP would be doing a disservice to his education.

I dont think this is the topic of conversation. It is to run the program. In that respect my current post is also useless

With my experience, I only had to dig up on classpath and package for my SCJP. For everything else, including learning Java, Netbeans has worked wonders

But this will be a never-ending conversation. I am giving my opinion just as you have given 5
13 years ago

you can use some of the beautiful free editors and focus on your code rather than

Try Netbeans IDE : www.netbeans.org
13 years ago