AtulKumar Gaur

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since Jun 24, 2007
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Recent posts by AtulKumar Gaur

Riyad I am new with J2ee .Could you tell how can I run Jsp,servlet with Eclipse IDE .
Would I have to set some paths or what should I do?

Thanks in Advance
Thanks Burkhard Hassel
For such a good explaination.
Thanks to All ranchers and specially to Murli
I refferd that link which you have suggested in your post but still the point is not clear .
Can anybody explain this code why does this code produce 0,2.


class Sup{
int a = f();
public int f(){
return 1;
class Subclass extends Sup{
int b = 2;
public int f(){
return b;
class TestSub{
public static void main(String args[]){
Sup sup = new Subclass();

[ EJFH: Add descriptive subject ]
[ July 16, 2007: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]
Can anybody explain this code what this code produce the output Sub?


class Super{
class Sub extends Super{
class TestSuper
public void conf(Super sup){

public void conf(Sub sub){

public static void main (String args[])
new TestSuper().conf(null);


Thanks in Advance
You can also set explictly null or blank to your fields(one by One).
I think it can help you because in this approach you can choose the specific fields to reset.
I have cleared SCJP1.4 on 14 sep with 77% and one of my friend also cleared the exam same day with 91%.He gets one Tshirt from Sun Microsystem but I dont get.Is there some specific crietria like above 90% we will get Tshirt or not.
Can anybody tell me how to get me my own Tshirt?

Thanks in Advance
Raghwan I do agree with you that it creates two object at pool but could you tell ne that how can we access the actual object "Sample".

Thanks in Advance
Is there some gift provided by Sun like Tshirt for whome who cleared SCJP1.4 with good score.Please explore this.
17 years ago
Is retake available in India if yes because I always asked to many Thomson prometric centers about retake but they always refused me and told me that Sun Retake facility is not applicable in India.
Thanks in Advance

SCWCD (in Progress)
17 years ago
Really Very Good Score

17 years ago
Like coin every thing has two side.
As far as cheapness is concern Noida is cheap than Banglore and Mumbai because you can easilly get rented accomodation .
Rent detail is here
2 Room set rent in Noida------- 5000-8000(good location)
3 Room set rent in Noida-------8000-10000(good location)
and the landlords demand 2 months (in somecases he/she demands only 1 month ) rent only in advance.As I heard about Bang that it is expensive to stay in Bang at rented accomodation because landloards demand 1 year rent in advance.
As far as security is concern Noida is not as much safe as Bang.
But at all it is much spacious and greeny city as compare to Mumbai and Banglore.
So finally I would like to suggest your friend that there is no problem to stay in Noida.
[ June 28, 2007: Message edited by: AtulKumar Gaur ]
17 years ago