Sudarshan Sreenivasan

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since Jun 28, 2007
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Recent posts by Sudarshan Sreenivasan

Can you share "Made a chart of the 5-6 ways to set a property value and which took priority " this ? ... I think it would be useful to a lot of people
10 years ago
I am trying to understand how the Java NIO library works ...

I have written some code which just opens multiple selectors

Each time when i open a selector i can see connections being created at the socket level, so for example in this case 3 connections get created.

In the below image i have highligted those 3 connections being made to dynamic ports ...

This question is closely linked to the this one

11 years ago
If you took the exam in india can you tell me how much the exam voucher costed you ?
Hi All,

I have been working on this bootstrap project aimed to remove/reduce the boiler plate code involved in developing applications with CQRS/DDD principles

Motivations to look into the project ---

Because it aims to provide out of the box building blocks to implement DDD.

Because it aims to provide out of the box components to implement CQRS

Because you will not have to look into things like DB Connectivity,Transaction and Logging Configuration,Unit/Integration Test setup/configuration.

Just check out the project,and add your business logic as simple as that !!, An addition to this you also get two sample applications embedded, which tell you how you should be writing your code using the components present in the framework, if you do not want them later (Production release), Just delete them off

Still not convinced pop into
13 years ago
Hi All,

Know any static code analysis tool like FindBugs for a multi threaded application ? (Other than coverity) Preferably open source

That is what i thought too, was just confirming it, however this seems to be like a limitation for adopting lombak what say ?
14 years ago

I use hibernate for my persistence, I use annotations as the way to specify the meta data, I further place the annotations on the getter methods , so that it is easier to debug the same.

How to i combine the use of lombak with hibernate ?

14 years ago
Hi James ,

That answered my question perfectly, the site you mentioned is awesome too !
Hi All,

I am new to ORM and this may sound a silly question however please bare with me, I am quoting this from the API.

Is used to define the discriminator column for the SINGLE_TABLE and JOINED inheritance mapping strategies.

From what I gather JOINED will create a new table for each subclass, then why would we ever need to specify a Discriminator ?

Any thoughts ?

Thanks in advance.

Hello All,

I have just started to read up on osgi and esb, From what I gather is that they aim to solve the same problem of introducing more modularity to java applications, however osgi aims to accomplish this within a single JVM and esb does not have any such pre-condition. Both are ways to implement the soa architecture broadly using the same technique of service registration and discovery.

Can anyone compare and contrast esb and osgi, point out when to use which ?

Hello All,

This is the answer for my own question , just putting it here in case some one else finds it usefull.

Now if each test case method is executed through a different instance how does it collect the results? By using the Collecting Parameter pattern of course!

Like I said before, a TestSuite is created with different instances of your TestCase class each executing a different test case method. It is your TestSuite that makes use of the above pattern and passes a TestResult object as a parameter to every TestCase it runs to collect the results.
15 years ago

I was just trying to use a external jar in my java stored procedure, can you just let me know the exact steps you followed like where did you keep the jar ?

Which loadjava command did you use , the one I see most easily available on the net is

is this the correct one ?

15 years ago
Hi All,

I did edit my previous post so that it becomes more clear, Just letting you all know

15 years ago
Hello All,

I am new to Junit and have been reading up on the tutorials I understand that junit creates a instance of the testcase class each time it wants to execute testXXX() method, I was wondering why ?? Why not just create one instance and then execute

1) setUp
2) testXXX
3) teardown

in the above order for each testXXX method ?

and I also I read that it uses a collecting parameter design pattern to fill in the TestResult object with the test results, It uses the collecting parameter design pattern to collect the output of the multiple methods it executes, (This is what I have understood from the text I have gone through)

The text I was talking about

The Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns (see Beck, K. Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Prentice Hall, 1996) has a pattern that is applicable. It is called Collecting Parameter. It suggests that when you need to collect results over several methods, you should add a parameter to the method and pass an object that will collect the results for you. We create a new object, TestResult, to collect the results of running tests.

Now my question
if each testXXX is executed through a different instance how does it collect the results ??

My questions are inter linked I sort of feel that I am misunderstanding something here !

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi All,

I work on a struts like application framework implemented on OC4J. The application has multiple data sources and depending on certain user credentials a particular data source is selected and the required database is connected to.

Now i want to introduce iBatis into the framework. Now I have been reading up on iBatis and I find that the sqlMap-config.xml dictates which DB will be connected to, similar to the datasources.xml file for OC4J.

How do I get iBatis to work for multiple data sources in the way my application currently functions ?

Any help would be great !