Saravanan Thoppae

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since Jun 30, 2007
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Recent posts by Saravanan Thoppae

The code should ideally print before exception first in all cases. I hope the you are clearing console screen before every run

Could you please let us know the way you are executing this code (from some IDE) and the environment too (windows/linux etc)
If the searched value is not found then insertion position is -1-(index starting with 1 where the element can be inserted). So the max insertion position will be -1-(5) = -6.
If the searched value is found then it will return the index (starting with 1) of the value. So in this case the max position will be 4.
So the answer is 4 to -6.

This code will compile as any line after the return statement will be unreachable. When exception is raised, finally block executes and then the exception is propagated.

Regarding where to use return statement, i would say it is preferable to use it at the end of the method so that any person who look the code has to look in only at one place. But some people argue that why should the code process other lines of code when it knows it has done its job at that time.
I have not used whizlabs. But as far as i know javaranch members used to mention the level of toughness in increasing order as below and i confirm that it is true in case of 2 and 3.
1) Whizlabs.
2) Real SCJP exam.
3) Devaka Cooray.
Hi All,

Thank you very much for your wishes.


May be i thought too much (as you made me to do so by your practise exams) and hence made some mistakes. But still i would dedicate 60% as i had only 2 weeks for preparation and without your papers i definitely would not have felt comfortable while giving final exams. Your questions gave me lot of confidence in clearing the final exam. To be honest i felt more happy when i cleared your final exam than the real SCJP 1.5 exam
15 years ago
Hi All,

I cleared SCJP1.5 certification yesterday with 87% with 2 hours preparation every day (including week ends ) in 2 weeks. Thanks to Kathy Sierra book and to the SCJP Mock exams links provided in the java ranch site.

A special thanks to Devaka Cooray. His questions were very very tough to an extent that when i started answering questions in the real exam it did not seem to be a question at all Looking at the question itself i was able to figure out which area the question is targeted. But still i got only 87

First of all i would like to inform future scjp test takers that if you clear deva cooray exams (even 59-65%) then you are assured that you will get above 80% guaranteed. Here is my story regarding his mock exams.

1) Diagnostic Tests - Got only 51% - Fail.
2) Practise Exam 1 - Got only 55% - Fail.
3) Practise Exam 2 - Got only 57% - Fail.
4) Practise Exam 3 - Did not take for three reasons - 1. No time 2. Confidence was very low after attending 3 exams and failed. So thought of not writing this. 3. Many people have informed in this forum that practise exam 3 is at expert level.
5) Final Exam - Got 60% - Uff finally cleared one but note just 1% above pass percentage.

But hold on..There was a beautiful message coming after taking Devaka cooray final exam that i can take exam within 7 days. So i am convinced to take the exam

Ok.. i would like to give a tip here regarding how to attack devaka cooray exams (This strategy i framed for last exam of devaka cooray)

1) There are loose balls (easy/trickier questions like which one of the following are static methods and questions related to API where you need not spend more than 15 seconds) spread around. So dont spend too much time on lengthy programming questions. Mark it for review and skip and finish off the loose balls. I can tell you that you will find atleast 15-20 loose balls
2) When you see lengthy program look for all java fundamentals check before evaluating the logic. I will spend some 2-3 minutes in the logic and atlast find out that it will not compile.
3) Go by choices if possible. This means that when a lengthy program is given and asked to select multiple answers then pick up the answers and evaluate with the question given. But be careful while evaluating.
4) Lot of programming will make you to familiarize in solving Task questions. In particular areas related to Collections, Sorting of Collections, Comparable, Comparator interfaces, Serialization.
5) If you have followed the above steps for sure you will finish 72 question (except the ones you marked) before 30 min of exam completion. If you have not marked more than 15 questions, then for sure you can work out minimum of 5 questions correctly within this 30 minutes.

Though the above rules are common to most of the exams, i ignored these thinking i have 175 minutes just for answering 72 questions. But never do that.

If you follow above i am sure you can crack all his papers questions

Again...Good work done by Devaka.. I dedicate 60% of my success to you

You can also get materials from (not free but affordable i feel) for getting good practise questions in all the chapters. It helped me for getting 100% in collections area in real exam

15 years ago
You can specify the outer join condition between the tables in your mapping file. Is there any reason going for HQL for this?

And yeah. Me too referred in some forum that specifying outer join (as we would do in normal ansi supported db) is not possible in HQL.
As per mapping xml file the salary class requires to have a property called emp which i suppose is not given in the code. So the child object (salary) is not getting persisted.
cascade option works for many-to-one mapping. Please provide a clear explanation of your parent object, associated child object and what is the problem when you save or update your parent object. You might have explained but it will be nice if you explain clearly.
You may need to first compile all the java files of that example project. Please use ant tool.
[ July 07, 2007: Message edited by: Saravanan Thoppae ]
17 years ago
I am not sure whether i am getting your question. I hope you have installed websphere in windows and deployed the application. Now you want to deploy the application in unix. The procedure is as simple that you need to take the unix version of app server and install the same in the unix machine. The other procedure is the same as you have done in windows.
17 years ago
Hi Vishal,
Since you said that the form will be submitted onclick event - i guess you would have submitted the form in a javascript. And please note that the form will be submitted when the focus is on the button and when the user hits enter key.
So if you have called same javascript for onsubmit of form and onclick of the button then when the user hits enter (when button is on focus) the javascript will be called. But again there is a form submit called in a javascript and hence the double submit.

Hope this helps.
17 years ago
A basic check. Did you try accessing the examples provided by tomcat first? This is just to check whether your server is really listening to your request at 8080 and you have not installed any other servers (like weblogic/websphere) which has already seized 8080.
17 years ago