Elizabeth Reynolds

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since Jun 16, 2001
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I'm pretty sure it's not a database problem. I've run the test client against the database and a couple of test client applications against it, and they work fine.
This is the first time I've tried to deploy a session bean and the message suggests that I might have erred somewhere in the deployment, but I'm not sure.
23 years ago
I am trying to execute a test client on a session bean which invokes the following method in the environment listed below:

I'm receiving the following message:
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: CORBA TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK 0 No; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: minor code: 0 completed: No
javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: CORBA TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK 0 No; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: minor code: 0 completed: No
org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: minor code: 0 completed: No
I'm pretty sure it has to do with trying to pass back the vector "list." If I comment out the break and the following lines of code,
<pre> (String [] list = new String[vect.size()];
return list;
I get a finderexception as expected (Not the most elegant way to handle this situation, but this is how the author structured the example.)
Any ideas as to what the problem is? Also, in general, when you get CORBA exceptions, what does one do to resolve the problem? Not being familiar with CORBA, is there a reference to use?
Also, I've been testing my examples without the use of Access beans. Any comments pro or con about these?

Environment: Websphere Test Environment from VA4J 3.5
Machine: Windows 98 SE

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Reynolds (edited July 17, 2001).]
23 years ago
do you receive for an IBM certification? For example, Sun sends a kit with certificate and pin and enters your name into the Galton database
Does IBM do something similar? How does a company verify your claim that you are certified?

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Reynolds (edited July 08, 2001).]
23 years ago

Thanks to you both. I got it working. In addition to the above (if it was necessary), I found that I had to add the HREF param in Netscape, so I just picked one of the pages for the reference and targeted the main frame.

Not really. The calls are in the event handling methods of the applet. To generalize them to a superclass and then subtype is adding another layer on top of the controller, which seems superfluous.
Thanks Desai for your comments. Perhaps I should clarify a few things. I am using the controller as you suggest. It delegates work to the "domain" objects and acts as the interface with the applet.
I am also using event handling (see first post above). In fact, that's where the interface to the controller is and no code statements really exist in the applet outside of these methods. I would hesitate to call this the Observer pattern, but I may be reading too much into the definition of this pattern.
I guess my problem is that one set of GUI objects in the applet (i.e., buttons) makes the same set of calls to the controller to get the objects manipulated in the domain layer back to the applet. The only difference, embodied in the buttons, is that before the display logic is invoked a decision is passed to the domain based on the button selected and that is what controls what takes place in the domain. This makes for a lot of redundant code in each of the event handling methods (the only difference being the decision pased), which is what I'm having a problem with it.
Is there any way to remove this redundancy from the applet event methods? (Each event results in an update to several different GUI controls in the applet, which is why there is so much code--I guess this is the observer pattern after all as applied to this set of buttons or "use case" in the applet--I was thinking across the entire applet).

On the other hand, this applet is very well behaved. I am sure this is the correct approach, but I just dislike redundant code.

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Reynolds (edited July 05, 2001).]

Yes, I'm already attempting to apply the MVC pattern and that's where the problem lies. I have one domain class directly beneath the applet that is acting as a controller, but there is so much interaction between the domain layer and the applet that this pattern is awkward.
Observer on the other hand, doesn't appear to be applicable to this application or to this particular problem. There is no need to keep object states in sync with another at the presentation level. It is being applied to some extent in the domain level.
I'm using a simple MouseOver/MouseOut script that links to another URL that works fine in IE but not in Netscape Navigator (4.0 and 4.7). I've seen this kind of thing done in web pages that I've viewed with Netscape countless times. The only difference with my application of it is that I'm doing it in framed pages and I'm trying to change more that one frame at the same time.
This is an example of the link that I'm using:
<A name="navone" onMouseOver="msover('nav1')" onMouseOut="msout('nav1')" target="_top" onClick="parent.frames[2].location='appslnk.html';
Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks.
I fairly new to OOAD so this question may sound simplistic, but I was hoping to hear from those of you with more experience in this area.
I have a fairly interactive application with many classes that interact in the domain layer. The problem is that I have to get the results of this interaction back to the presentation layer (an applet). Sets of graphic objects are acted upon and manipulated in the domain and displayed in the applet. Different buttons control different sets. I find that this generates alot of code in the event paragraphs of the applet, even if it's just to pass references back and forth.
The patterns that I'm employing are applicable to the domain layer, but there doesn't appear to be one useful for this problem.
Doesn't anyone have a better approach or a standard way of doing this?

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Reynolds (edited July 04, 2001).]
Would any care to share any feedback about making resumes available on the internet? Pros or cons?
PS. I recently posted a request for feedback on my website. Thanks to those
of you that responded--your information was very helpful. I have since deleted the post, since I'm receiving instant message type emails, etc., and I don't want it to turn into spam. Thanks again.
[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Reynolds (edited June 30, 2001).]
23 years ago
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not that brave. I'll wait until someone else tries it first. Right now, I'm happy using VAJ 3.5 and Websphere Studio 3.5 to test servlets/JSP in the Websphere Test Environment.
[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Reynolds (edited June 18, 2001).]
23 years ago

Can I download WAS (entry edition) to a machine running Windows 98 SE? My machine meets all the other requirements (memory, processor, etc.) except for the Windows NT 4.0 or higher OS.
I just want to familiarize myself with the product and experiment with it. Will it work?
I also currently have VAJ 3.5 (entry edition) installed and configured correctly to use the Websphere Test Environment for testing servlets and JSPs on my machine and I don't want to mess this up.
23 years ago