a. If account.type = 'Savings' then
account.minimumBalance IS $1000/-
account.dailyWithdrawalLimit IS $ 5000/-
but If account.type = 'Current' then
account.minimumBalance IS $ 1.0/-
For Hibernate to work, do you need both before and after image for the journaled files?
In the primary database,
We have a table "COUNTER" in schema 'DPS', in which column 'PHOTOCAPTURED' has data type CHAR(1)
from our change request history, we know this column was added using the ALTER table command
This ALTER table command was perfectly replicated by GG (as determined by doing a DESC on DR database)
But when data is added to this column GG gives error, when replicating;
The REPLICAT job is in ABENDED state; error
ERROR OGG-01163 Bad column length (5) specified for column PHOTOCAPTURED in table DPS.COUNTER, maximum allowable length is 3."
This error occurs only when data is added to the above mentioned COUNTER table.
After a bit of exploration it was found that data in DR database
table 'COUNTER' column PHOTOCAPTURED (with CHAR data type) was having 2 extra non-printable characters.
The same non-printable characters were missing in the primary database.
To resolve, we executed a ALTER table on primary database and increased CHAR(1) to CHAR(3) and inserted data in COUNTER table again.
The GG error repeated, but this time on primary database;
ERROR OGG-01163 Bad column length (7) specified for column PHOTOCAPTURED in table DPS.COUNTER, maximum allowable length is 5"