Hui Zhao

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since Jul 09, 2007
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Recent posts by Hui Zhao

Let say I have the multiple checkbox. The attached is an example. In the real project I have many from database. So it is dynamic.

What I want is to put the items into a grid. For example, each row has four columns.
My question is that I want to click the item having the same result as clicking the checkbox. Let's say, in the image I attached, I either click apple or the click space between the checkbox and the label name. They will achieve the same result which is the checkbox is checked.

I may use angular kendo ui framework, so I put the column into kendo-grid. So how to modified my code?
Many thanks!
I added it. The frame displays but no any panels.

17 years ago

I am using a frame and database to create an interface.
My question is why no any frame display.
Thanks for your help.
17 years ago
Thanks for youe help, I have resloved it. Just change two lines


one line.
17 years ago
Ben Souther's servlet does work.
But I still get the error

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.



Thanks again.
17 years ago
It is placed in
Still wrong.
Is my web.xml right?
Or classpath wrong?

17 years ago
I place it in
It is still wrong.
17 years ago
Hi, I am debugging a simple JSP example but I failed.
J2ee 1.4;j2se 6;Tomcat 6.0.10

Here is the directory structure

url http://localhost:80/Ch03

web.xml in C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\Ch03\WEB-INF

I have spent three days still not figured it out.
Could you please help me?
Thanks for any hint.
17 years ago
I appreciate your reply but you may misunderstood my question.
bin/startup.bat is ok.
My question is I want to reset the environment variables by double
click bin\catalina.bat and bin\setclasspath.bat.
But they are not working.
I just saw a window jumps out then closes quickly. The environment variables are not set automatially.

17 years ago
I appreciate your reply but you may misunderstood my question.
bin/startup.bat is ok.
My question is I want to reset the environment variables by double
click bin\catalina.bat and bin\setclasspath.bat.
But they are not working.
I just saw a window jumps out then closes quickly. The environment variables are not set automatially.

17 years ago
I appreciate your reply but you may misunderstood my question.
bin/startup.bat is ok.
My question is I want to reset the environment variables by double
click bin\catalina.bat and bin\setclasspath.bat.
But they are not working.
I just saw a window jumps out then closes quickly. The environment variables are not set automatially.

17 years ago
I am deploying a JSP but failed.
Http error 404 etc.
Tomcat does works.

So I suspect it is the environment variables setting up problem and I re-install tomcat pre-configuration version 6.0.10.

I tried to double click catalina.bat and setclasspath.bat in
However just see a window pop up then disappears quickly.the environment variables are unchanged at all.

Jdk 1.6.0_04
J2EE 1.4
Can you please point it out what is wrong?

Thank you very much.
17 years ago
I am deploying a JSP but failed.
Http error 404 etc.
Tomcat does works.

So I suspect it is the environment variables setting up problem and I re-install tomcat pre-configuration version 6.0.10.

I tried to double click catalina.bat and setclasspath.bat in
However just see a window pop up then disappears quickly.the environment variables are unchanged at all.

Jdk 1.6.0_04
J2EE 1.4
Can you please point it out what is wrong?

Thank you very much.
17 years ago
I am deploying a JSP but failed.
Http error 404 etc.
Tomcat does works.

So I suspect it is the environment variables setting up problem and I re-install tomcat pre-configuration version 6.0.10.

I tried to double click catalina.bat and setclasspath.bat in
However just see a window pop up then disappears quickly.the environment variables are unchanged at all.

Jdk 1.6.0_04
J2EE 1.4
Can you please point it out what is wrong?

Thank you very much.
17 years ago
I want to learn j2ee. I have knowledge of servlet, jdbc,jsp etc but only limited on these.
Could you please recommend a textbook with try it out examples or tutorials?
