prathibha ananthapadmanabha

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since Jul 12, 2007
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Recent posts by prathibha ananthapadmanabha

Dear Friends,

Hello everyone!
I have completed SCJP certification 6 months back. I want to continue learning in Java .
But I find there are lot of certifications which one can do after that like SCWCD , SCJD to name a few.
Now Iam confused which one will be the better one to take up. Is it SCWCD or SCJD or anything else.
could any one please advice me as to which one will be the best in the current Java world.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Dear Friends,

Hello everyone!
I have completed SCJP certification 6 months back. I want to continue learning in Java .
But I find there are lot of certifications which one can do after that like SCWCD , SCJD to name a few.
Now Iam confused which one will be the better one to take up. Is it SCWCD or SCJD or anything else.
could any one please advice me as to which one will be the best in the current Java world.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Iam happy to inform you all that I cleared SCJP 1.4 with 96% .
Thanks to K&B cert book and forum , which helped me a lot to achieve this score .

17 years ago
Hi All ,

Iam happy to inform you all that I have completed SCJP 1.4 exam with 96% , and now I wish to take up SCWCD exam .
Could you please guide me for the same .

Thanks and Regards,
17 years ago
Hi All ,

Iam happy to inform you all that I have completed SCJP 1.4 exam with 96% , and now I wish to take up SCWCD exam .
Could you please guide me for the same .

Thanks and Regards,
Hi All ,

could anyone please explain me of what it means by

" If you dont override the equals method , you wont be able to use the object as a key in the hash table " .

Though I have gone through the explanation given in scjp 1.4 ( K&B ) certification book , Iam not quite clear on this one . It will be a great help if anyone explain this more elaborately .

Thanks in Advance.

Now it is clear . Thank you for the clarification .

Regards ,
17 years ago
yes , I think that this code will not compile because the local variable
"num" is used before it is initialized .
Please advice if there is any other flaws / findings other than this in the code .

17 years ago
could you please clarify what it means by " top -level " public class , it means that other public classes are possible in a java source file .

17 years ago
Dear All ,

Thank you so much for the clarifications given .
So to conclude , it is that one java source file must have only one public class with the same name as the name of the source file .

17 years ago
01: class MyClass {
02: static int maxElements;
04: MyClass(int elm) {
05: maxElements = elm;
06: }
07: }
09: public class Q19 {
10: public static void main(String[] args) {
11: MyClass a = new MyClass(100);
12: MyClass b = new MyClass(100);
14: if (a.equals(b))
15: System.out.println("Objects have the same values");
16: else
17: System.out.println("Objects have different values");
18: }
19: }

hi dhwani ,
sorry Iam not so clear ,
pls see the code above where I have changed the parameter for constructor .
Even then the instance variable is static only na .
so can static variables be initialized through a constructor .

Please advice.

In Line 2 of the code , the variable "maxElements" is declared as static .
and again this variable is initialized through a constructor .
Can a static variable be initialized through a constructor ?
I think we need to use the "static " initialization block to initialize the static instance variables .
Please correct me If this is wrong .
Hi Christophe verre ,

Thank you for clarification .

17 years ago
Hi All ,

Is it that in one java source file ( .java file ) there should be only one class with access modifier " public " or
a java source file can have as many " public " classes as possible ?

Please clarify ........

17 years ago
Hi Raghavan,

Thankyou for a very clear clarification on the difference between string and string buffer .
It was of a great help .
