Alexsandra Carvalho

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 13, 2007
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Recent posts by Alexsandra Carvalho

I don't know if I'm posting in the correct forum, but I would like to know some opnion about a alternative for Google Maps Api (free version).
I need use maps in one application that does not have public permission, and in that case, I can't use the free version of Google Maps.

Does anybody know another API free?

16 years ago
Hello ou yang
Please...can you send to me the code about this question?

Thansk a lot
16 years ago
Hi guys,
I saw that Errata of HFSJ is so long. Does someone know if it will have a new version soon (newer print)?

Hi guys,

Will we have a new version of HFSJ for SCWCD 5.0 soon?
Hi guys,
What do you think about this book:
Sun Certified Web Component Developer Study Guide
and this

Head First

SCJP 5.0
[ January 12, 2008: Message edited by: Alexsandra Carvalho ]
Hi guys!!
I'm very very happy. I did the exam today and I got 90% in my score.

Thank you very much to Keith and Bates for the wonderful book, thank you to ranchers (I learned much with you) and the JavaRanch in general!!!

My score:
Declarations, Initialization and Scoping= 100%
Flow Control = 81%
API Contents = 70%
Concurrency = 100%
OO Concepts = 80%
Collections/Generics = 100%
Fundametals = 100%

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
Hi guys!!
I'm very very happy. I did the exam today and I got 90% in my score.

Thank you very much to Keith and Bates for the wonderful book, thank you to ranchers (I learned much with you) and the JavaRanch in general!!!

My score:
Declarations, Initialization and Scoping= 100%
Flow Control = 81%
API Contents = 70%
Concurrency = 100%
OO Concepts = 80%
Collections/Generics = 100%
Fundametals = 100%

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
17 years ago
Very Good,
Why I can do

and I can't do
I don't understand and I can't see the difference between

Can somebody help me?

I remember (I can't Widen and then Box)
Why I can't do this:


Inner Classes are inherited by subclass, right?
I did a example and I declared a inner class (as public) in a super class X and I can to instance the inner by the instance of the subclass Y (Y extends X).

But, later I declared the same inner class in class Y but with the modifier private and none compiler error happen... Why?

What is the diference between the use of wait x join?
What can I do with one method and I can not obtain with the other?
If make sense only to call wait and notify in an object that is a Thread, why this methods does not are in class Thread??