Arvind Mahendra

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 14, 2007
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Recent posts by Arvind Mahendra

Rogerio Kioshi wrote:

Henry Wong wrote:
Seriously though... there is a world of difference between walking on water, and running on it. If you run really fast, you can cover a lot of distance before gravity takes over.


Henry will try it!

Don't try this in a swimming pool as the chlorine causes the water to loose the consistency river water has and your chance of falling increases.

14 years ago
I would like this account closed. Why? Because I was never made moderator despite having so many posts.
14 years ago
"When I say I'mma do something I do it, I don't give a damn
What you think, I'm doin' this for me, so ___ the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up if it thinks it's stopping me." - Marshall Mathers
14 years ago

Michael Sullivan wrote:
to get an idea of what you'll be learning, check out the "10 day mba".

also, read this link where Guy Kawasaki challenges the notion of the MBA. (he's not the only one doing so lately)

And The Dream by Gurbaksh Singh chahal who built and sold a company at the age of 16 for 40 million and then built another company and sold to Yahoo for 300 million at the age of 25. He has out done me on this one no doubt and I will have to cop this one on the chin, but I'll be ready for his next venture by matching it with a venture of my own of most probably owning a cafe franchise a little later in life if I have money.
14 years ago
18 Signature/ Left thumb impression Application must be signed by applicant. Representative Assessee must sign the application if the applicant is minor/ deceased/ idiot/ lunatic/ mentally retarded.

14 years ago
Hi Sam,
I have a few questions. I don't know if they have been asked already but here goes.

1. It's a ruthless world out there where not everyone will resort to the fairest of strategies to get ahead in their careers. Does your book discuss anything about how to deal with these sort of situations and maybe even how to employ such strategies myself? In short, does it have a road map that one can realistically emulate to get to the top and stay there?

2. Who was your favorite interviewee in the book and why? Whom do you see to be the most visionary?

14 years ago

Zeki Karaca wrote:I think that money should not be this important. IT wages are high enough to provide you with a good living anywhere i guess. Having a fun and challenging job is more important to me personally.

[Industry name] wages can never be high enough to provide a good living. Thats why they are called wages. As for advertisements offering those high salaries, a good number might be legit but I am also sure that a not so unequally large number are also fakes posted by so called "bodyshops" who never have any intentions to hire locals but do it to conform to prerequisites of sponsoring someone from abroad.
14 years ago
Ok thanks ya'll. Greg, thats pretty funny.

Now in what circumstances can I end with "love" ? for example, I hear people from the UK end a conversation/transaction with "Thanks love" or "bye love" or "you take care now love" when they talk to women.

Can this be used with strangers over the telephone? Say with a receptionist that takes a message for you? Would such a thing be appropriate? Is age of the other person a factor in this?


14 years ago
That roundabout reminds me of this scene. There was a hillarious scene in the simpsons like this when Homer enter a roundabout and keeps going in a loop.
14 years ago

Dont know what highway this is or the formation but appears to be a multi level diamond hybrid of some sort.

Diamond formation
14 years ago

(Trumpet formation, Ottawa river parkway, CA)
14 years ago

(Roundabout in Connaught Place, New Delhi, India)
14 years ago

(Fish roundabout in Dubai, UAE)

14 years ago

(Conestoga Parkway in Ontario, CA. Yet another partial cloverleaf formation )
14 years ago

(cloverleaf interchange formation in Ohio, US)

14 years ago