sivakumar arani

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since Jul 15, 2007
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1) made up app may not be available.
i am not aware of reading barcodes. i have worked on smart card comm. using NFC.
not a big deal of learning nfc through j2me.

2) battery depends on handset make, type of communication. but NFC wont consume much.
15 years ago

For 10MB data storing in record store should work.

i have been storing some 100-200MB data in RMS.
You may need use multiple record stores.
most of medium to high end phones support this much space for storage

15 years ago
Hi Jane,

nokia 6131 nfc may solve you purpose.


15 years ago

you can catch that exception and continue reading next record
16 years ago
Is there any way to find the number of files present in a directory?
presently i am using 'Enumeration e = filecon.list();' and iterating through while loop and counting. but application is getting stuck-up in this case when no. of files is large.

any ideas please help

thanks in advance
16 years ago
iam doing search between two dates. If i change the value in datefield, lets say , if day field contains '22' and i change day field as '1' instead of '01' and click search,it is taking the previous value as '22' not '01'.

please help in this case. it is same in case of month and year
16 years ago

It will increament i only after executing the code in the for block
hai ,

by using <html:select> tag we can directly show the selected value
17 years ago
hai ,

declare one more action mapping tag in struts-config.xml

give different action path, for same Action type

i think it works..
17 years ago
hi all,
can we able to define an action class without formbean class

i.e.,in action mapping tag , without name attribute

please explain it

thanks in advance
17 years ago
All the best ..
be cool..
hai all,
how can we compare two objects...
by using == operator or equals() method iam getting always false

please explain me