Nikes Shah

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since Jul 18, 2007
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Recent posts by Nikes Shah


I have configured JASIG CAS SSO client properites in web.xml as recommended

But how to externalize properties to be set in properties file? instead of directly configuring in web.xml?

Thanks for any help.

10 years ago
Thanks Tim,

I checked in servlet which is responsible to parse http request, and fetched Content-Length header to check the size.

11 years ago

I am finding a way to restrict file size while uploading.

Our aim is to restrict upload of X MB file without transferring file on server.

Actually we are using an open source ECM product "Alfresco", and web interface is built using MyFaces.

Is it possible to read just file properties and its size without uploading on server?

11 years ago
Thank you Javaranch and all the authors of the book.

What I understand about Apache Chemistry is, for developers, it provides easy and common interface to write code.
With property configuration, implementation makes calls to either WebService or REST interface.

Are there any other extra features provided by the Apache Chemistry project?

Example: How to fetch path of the document returned in Search results?

Looking at Specification, Document object doesn't have path property. So a possible way i can think of is, get the parent of the document i.e. of course a folder, and then get the path of that folder from its property and concatenate folder path with document name. It looks a costly operation in case if we get very large resultset.

Hello Authors of CMIS and Apache Chemistry in Action,

Can you please tell us about what we can expect in chapter 11(Security) and 12(Performance Considerations) ?

Are there any best practices that to be considered while dealing with CMIS?

Thanks for the detailed reply Florian,

So in general, if we want to switch from one CMS to another we should make sure Folder structure is same as previous CMS, and if not, relatively change in CMIS client.

Thanks Florian

That makes sense.

Considering complexity of WebServices architecture, REST provides simplicity.


Are there any business use cases which can justify when to use which type of CMIS interface (WebServices, REST etc.)

In other words, why more than one interfaces?

Thanks in advance.


I see there are two types of inputs we can specify to get the node, document etc. objectPath and objectId.

As far as I understand, objectId would differ from product to product and again if same product then instance to instance.

I have already created a forum topic in Alfresco as I am into Alfresco, but seems it would be great if we get more insights into it.

Interested people can check this topic here


I am a Java developer, specifically working on an open source Alfresco Enterprise Content management system.

I would like to enhance my understanding from deployment and server administration point of view.

Concepts like, load balancing, clustering, understanding full request/response (route taken by any URL request) etc.

Any suggestions what type of certification I can pursue to gain understanding?

12 years ago
Hi All,

I am new to Linux flavor systems.

Can anyone guide in which file we can set environment variable?
Is there any UI available like windows for environment variable setup?

I have an ant script which expects a path defined in environment variable.


13 years ago

Is there any way to create binary file using Java with group of data (structure in C).

Our requirement is to create binary file which can be read using C as a structure.

Thanks for any information.
14 years ago
How data security is enforced in cloud environment?

Does cloud means completely replacing desktop clients?
14 years ago
Thanks Ivan,

-b option requires jaxb mapping xml file, where can i get that file? Is it included in CXF distribution?

Thanks for any help.
14 years ago