Alex Ko

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since Jul 22, 2007
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I'm experienced Java/J2EE developer with approximate 10 years of
professional experience (including 4 years of freelance experience as remote developer).
I live in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Kiev) and looking for full time remote job from my home,
especially for long-term relations.
My clients were from UK, Finland, Russia, France, Switzerland.
I can work onsite or offsite, independently or as a member of a development team.
There are possibilities to involve other developers.

Skills: Java (J2EE, EJB, JSP, JSF, Web services, etc.), Axis, MyFaces, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, XML/XSL, SQL.

I'm available to work for a very reasonable rate ($18/h).
Contact me please by email: [email protected]
16 years ago
I'm highly experienced Java/J2EE developer with approximate 10 years of
professional experience (including 4 years of freelance experience as remote developer).
I live in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Kiev) and looking for full time remote job from my home,
especially for long-term relations.
My clients were from UK, Finland, Russia, France.
There are possibilities to involve other developers.
Skills: Java (J2EE, EJB, JSP, JSF, etc.), Struts, Hibernate, XML/XSL, SQL.

I'm available to work for a very reasonable rate ($18/h).
Contact me please by email: [email protected]
17 years ago