prem arora

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since Jul 23, 2007
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I might be very late in replying on this one. Still, wanted to.

In my opinion, you should never break the notice period. You can negotiate with your current company and try to reduce that period. Of course there would be terms and conditions on it, and if you really want to get relieved early on, go by those terms and conditions only.

Do not get enticed by this offer of joining immediately. Later on, when a company is talking about your performance, work culture and ethics, this will be an important tenet to show upon, that you do not work that ethically.
13 years ago
I have 2 vouchers available which are valid till July'2008 and am based in Delhi NCR, call me if you need one at 98990-89750 or mail at [email protected]

Vouchers are valid for all the Sun Certification exams, such as SCJP, SCWCD, SCJWSD, SCBCD.

[ November 02, 2007: Message edited by: prem arora ]
[ November 02, 2007: Message edited by: prem arora ]
17 years ago
Thanks Lynn,
I hope to go thru it as soon as possible.
Also, Have been going through and you were correct, the essays, the ones I have read, are good, they certainly are. Thanks for the suggestion.
Good Luck..
Moreover, I think when we work with an IDE, we generally miss learning many small things, as they are automatically handled by the IDE, be it the context help or compile error. But when we write(Ctrl-C,V) and do F5 to see if the jsp page got parsed properly, and see the error, we know what wrond did we do, or what did we miss in the servlet to process.
So, generally, not using an IDE, would be a better preparation for the exam.
Congratulations Amit.
Wasn't it a little bit scary to see more questions and not being able to know or find out, which ones were to be exluded/included in the final scoring for the exam.
Congratulations...what is the new target now?
17 years ago
Since 331 B.C., the different joins( INNER JOIN, OUTER...) are not clear to me and its generally very difficult to know before executing a query, what would be the output. What is the best way to understand and learn the joins. Does "HFSQL" put any light into it specifically or generally and make this ambiguous area any clearer?
Congratulations Tarun,
But I do think this might have been confusing to you, that they did add some questions for their statistical analysis.Or did it look OK to you.
Also, Marc is correct, do not go for any more books as of now.That also complicates and slows down the learning and sometimes the different languages to express the same thing by different authors creates a confusion.
My suggestion would be to go ahead with the Marty Hall book prior to going ahead with the HFSJ. As HFSJ is primarily certification oriented book, while the other one makes you learn the technology and fundamentals via a learner's approach. HFSJ would make far more sense when you have atleast had some hands on experience of a couple of weeks of writing, compiling and running your servlets and jsp's. HFSJ emphasises on same things multiple times just to make sure the reader does get the important point very well. While if you are novice, you need to first build the base to go ahead with the HFSJ.
Many congratulations, am also preparing for WCD rt now and plan to take it in a couple of weeks. I guess 1 month time ftrame is in general the norm for WCD prep using HFSJ+Whizlabs. Thanks for sharing.
True indeed, and WCD is definitely, as has been discussed many a times I think is a better and primary choice before going forward with BCD.Unless you have a good experience in BCD. WCD content is also widely used or else lot of the new frameworks are based on it so it generally would make the base more clear in regard to web related technologies.
True, Sun Vouchers for all exam in this series, SCJP, WCD, etc, are available @ Rs 5100/- till 30th Sept and vouchers would be valid for 1 year.The regular price si Rs 7200/- .Sid is correct, NIIT APTC centres do have it.
And so 13th is here, so do tell us about how it was and the score ofcourse...DO YOUR BEST!!!
17 years ago