Mukunthan Shanmuganathan

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since Jul 24, 2007
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Recent posts by Mukunthan Shanmuganathan

Hi Guys,

I want to buy Whizlabs CD for SCWCD exam preparation. Could you please help me to buy one here in Sri Lanka or the way that I can buy one ASAP.

I would be grateful if you could help me on this.

Thank you in advance.
Hi Christophe Verre!

Thank You!

Dear Christophe Verre!

What I meant by saying "same result" was,

The session scope attribute "userLevel" set by the <c:set...> in the JSP was displayed!

Where as the HFSJ says that "If there's NOT a session-scoped attribute named "userLevel", this tag creates one ..."

If so, If there IS a session-scoped attribute named "userLevel" !

What will happen?

Won't skip the <c:set> like we studied with <jsp:setProperty> ?


Thank you.
Dear Christophe Verre!

Thank you, But, the same result comes when I use with body! i.e.

servlet as the same but the JSP as follows


Dose it mean that <c:set> with body won't act as conditional! as like <jsp:setProperty> ?

Thank you!

Hi Gentlemen!

In order to check the <c:set var...> I wrote like as follows,



I do believe that I should get:

"The Name is: Thiri"

But I get:

"The name is: Cowboy" !!!


Thank You!
Hi dude!


17 years ago

Which scope the will EL check if I set same attribute in two different scope?


Thank you.

Hey! Thanks.

But a small change there should be an @, you miss.

Thank you.


Inoder to check the custom tags with parameters (HFSJ pg. 494) I tried as shown in the HFSJ book. when I run I got

/result.jsp(3,1) Attribute subTitle invalid for tag Header according to TLD..

My cade is as follows

Can you tell me What I did worng here?

Dear Tarun Yadav !

That�s a great job man!


Dear Tarun Yadav,

You are right.

I had to Turn off the friendly error message option in the browser.

It is working.

Thank you!

Can any body sort this out? Please

Thank You!

Dear Tarun Yadav,

Yes I did.

for your convenience I put my code here!


<%@ page errorPage="errorPage.jsp"%>
About to be bad...
<% int x = 10/0; %>


<%@ page isErrorPage="true"%>


Thank You!
Dear Guys!

In order to check the Error Page I tried the example given in the HFSJ pg. 458. Without an error in the badPage.jsp and errorPage.jsp are working fine.

But, When I put <% int x = 10/0; %> and run, I get the "The Page Cannot be displayed - HTTP 500 internal Server Error" instead of my own errorPage.jsp.

Why? and How can I get the errorPage.jsp displayed?

Thank you.
