ranjitsingh thakurratan

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since Jul 25, 2007
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Recent posts by ranjitsingh thakurratan

Hey Guys,

I wanted (dreamt) of writing a ssh program with java 1.5

How do i start off ? by learning the protocol ?

or by understanding the ssh communication terminology ?

I would rather prefer not to use some one else ssh classes or packages, rather use factory stuff shipped from sun..or make my own but the bottom line is the program should run.!

Could you guys help me in trying to think of how to begin ?

17 years ago
new to java..only to find errors on a 35$ book!!!

huh! i heard there were bunch of errors in jsp book of K & B
i wud get that there is loss of precision or something!! and so it gets a false..hmm i donno!!
i still dont know why it says false .... hmmm!
okay a little work on your program and I found out that it takes all inputs a, b, c, and d as Integers (since they are) and runs the Integer version of compare method.

Long can take input which ends with the L sign , indicating that it is Long number.

check this code i edited.

gives output as Integer long

So I was trying out this program, and was puzzled to see that if two classes belong to same package then they can use their protected methods, but if they belong to different package then they can only through inheritance.

Could you guys clarify?

ahem, i am actually working on programs and practicing, i was just curious to find out more mock tests.

ok is it type-SAVE? or type-SAFE ?
well depends on the type of question

usually there are two different classes but which do not have any import in them, yet they use each other, however its good to stick to the rules and watch out for imports!

this is a good question though!
google search for mock exams..

could you tell em any other mock exam stuff other than whiz labs and the scjp book!

i know transender has them but they are 1.4 version


Dolly, there wasn't any inner class instance created and a method called..hence the inner class never got executed.

from with in the method local inner class call Inner x = new Inner();


Originally posted by ranjitsingh thakurratan:
The program seems clearcut.