Adithya Rayaprolu

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since Jun 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Adithya Rayaprolu

We have iPlanet Web Server running on Solaris box. We are using Siebel application based on web architecture (we are not using any java applications). Our users are getting logged out after 15minutes of inactivity, we don't have any idea about iPlanet. Where can I look for Session Timeout setting on iPlanet? Is it defined in any configuration file or .ini file? Please help.
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
I am looking for an apartment in Des Moines, Johnston area. Is anybody from this place? Can you please let me know names/phone numbers of some good apartment complexes?
20 years ago
Hi Mark,
Thanks so much for the reply. While doing face-to-face interviews, what I observe is that the interviewer doesn't talk for initial 3-4 minutes, he/she acts as if he/she is going thru my resume(they may be really going thru my resume). I feel very uncomfortable during this period, I don't know what to do, should I speak something then or ask about project? Please suggest something. How should I start the conversation?
Thanks so much.
20 years ago
Hi All,
I had a situational interview yesterday, I thought, they would give me some situation and ask 'how do you handle it?', but he asked me only 2 simple questions. Tell me about your technical background, what are your weaknesses. So, that was it. Now I need to go for a face-to-face interview. Please help me to answer this question. When they ask me 'Do you have any questions?', what should I ask?
20 years ago
I asked for help, if you can provide me some examples, please. Please don't go off the topic.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Matt Cao:
I honestly do not understand why you Indian people have so much craps procedure for the interview process. Anyway, it is nothing more than you will solve a case scenario technically.

Hi Matt Cao,
This is not an Indian interview procedure, this is an AMERICAN interview procedure, I too don't understand why they have such interview procedure. Don't generalize things. I am being interviewed in USA, not India.
[ May 05, 2004: Message edited by: Adithya Rayaprolu ]
20 years ago
Can anyone please clarify me about this Situational Interview? I will be having one in the next 2 days. What questions are expected and how to answer? They say that its techincal situational assessment, but not technical interview. Please make me to pass this interview.
20 years ago
We could solve the problem by unchecking the 'Protect my Computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the internet' option in Network connection properties dialog (Advanced Tab).
20 years ago
We have Windows XP Pro on both systems.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
At the very least, both the desktop and the laptop should reach each other by their IP addresses (do "ipconfig" on the machines to see what address they've been assigned by the DHCP server).

The DHCP server assigned for Desktop and for laptop. But we are not able to access desktop from laptop. We have given sharing permissions on both systems. When we map network drive in Windows Explorer, it says 'You don't have permission to access the server'. Does a router acts as a hub? Is a hub required for home networking?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Adrian Yan:

What does that mean?
Cable modem goes to your router, your router goes to your laptop and pc?

20 years ago
We have a desktop and a laptop and a Netgear wireless router. Laptop has a builtin wireless network adapter. The cable output is the input for router and from router, we have wired connection to desktop and wireless connection to laptop. Now my question is how can we communicate between desktop and laptop? I want to have the files shared between these two PCs. Is it possible? Please let me know. Thanks.
20 years ago
Is anybody here, holding a green card, moved back to India? If so, whats your status now? Do you loose green card after 6 months?
21 years ago
Anyone here tried 500 tips e-book from for preparing interviews? How is it? Thanks.
21 years ago
Has anyone tried the practice tests available for Oracle 9i DBA Fundamentals 2 exams available at ?
Was it helpful? How many questions do we have?
Thanks in advance.