Rakesh Yelugoila

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since Jul 30, 2007
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Recent posts by Rakesh Yelugoila

Hi guys ,

I have a Question regarding SCWCD Voucher . Can I use the voucher bought in India to give my exam in US?


Originally posted by dhwani mathur:
Thanks a lot......to
praveen oruganti for this information !!

Can anyone answer my below questions please ? I am waiting to start on it.Thanks.

Hi Ranchers ,

I have been a Java Programmer for over a year . My main tasks in my Job include coding JSP`s and Servlets . I want to learn IBM portlets . My colleague told me that the market for this is very good in the US and ofcourse good billing . Can anyone answer my below questions ?

1) What exactly are Portlets ?
2) What are its prerequisites ?
3) Does my JSP`s/ servlets knowledge help me ?
4) How difficult it is to learn this ?
5) Can anyone suggest me any books to learn the Basics of Portlets ?
6) How should I go about to do any certifications ? I know we have an IBM certification .
7) How is the Job market for this?

Can anyone who is working in this technology help me by answering my above questions in detail ? I would really appreciate their help .

Thanks in advance.

[ October 30, 2007: Message edited by: Rakesh Yelugoila ]
17 years ago
Hi Anil,

As you said you have 11 months to prepare for the exam , I would suggest you to go for SCJP1.5 as SCJP1.5 = SCJP1.4 + lots of new packages . You will definetly benefit from either of them but If was in your shoes I would without any doubt go for SCJP1.5 .


Originally posted by anilkumar Gannavarapu:
Hi all,
I am planning to write SCJP1.4. But I am confusing to choose 1.5 or 1.4. Please guide which is the best and will give more advantage. I have 11 months time to write Certification Exam. Awaiting for your reply.

Thanks in Advance.


Go for SCJP by Kathy sierra & BertBates . Its an awesome book . Practice a lot of mock exams . You can get them by searching on Google.

Originally posted by dipayan chatterjee:
hello all

i am an undergraduate and novice to java programming , have been programming in java for the past one and half months only. i am planning to undertake SCJP1.4 exam somewhere in december end .currently i am referring "core java 2 fundamentals" by conell & horstman and have also finished java certification book by khalid mogul once.please tell me what other books need to be referred and what my future course of preparations be to secure a good score in the exam

looking forward for your valuable inputs

A constructor cannot have a return type . If it has a return type , then it bcomes a method . It is an easy way to differentiate a constructor from a method.

Hope you understood the above explanation.

Originally posted by vianyrajnish rajnish:

can constructor have the return statement..?

vinay rajnish

[ October 17, 2007: Message edited by: Rakesh Yelugoila ]
Hi Srikanth ,

There will be quite a few questions on Bitwise & shift operators. The binary value wont be given . We have to convert the decimal value to the binary value and then work on them .

eg : 3<<2 ;
3<<<2 ;

Which two of the above are same ?

Hope I answered your question .

Originally posted by Srikanth Iyer:
During the exams scjp 1.4 is there is a quesiton on bitwise oprators or the shift operators will the binary value of the numbers be given???

Hi Ranchers ,

I would like to Thank everyone on JavaRanch for helping me to clear this exam . I would like to especially thank those of you who have given prompt replies to my queries. Its a great experience to be in between hugely talented , knowledgeable Ranchers . My next goal is to write my SCWCD 1.4 exam in about 4-6 weeks.

I hope I will have fun by sharing my knowledge and taking help in the JavaRanch forums .


17 years ago
Thanks Tony for clearing my confusion . I really appreciate your help .

Originally posted by Tony Smith:
First of all check the code. You have Test10 t= new Test10();
but class is called Practice, they don't match.

Non -Static methods cannot be reference from static context .
That is true, but you got to read the fine print: except through instance variables. Then you can!

Yes method calling is always "pass by value". But you got to twist your thought a bit on this one. For primitives like byte, short, int, long, boolean, char, a copy is made and passed in. So the original is not touched. HOWEVER, when you are passing in an reference/pointer to an object. A copy of the reference/pointer is passed, not a copy of the whole object is passed. You got to read this twice and think about it. There is only one ojbect, and no additional object is created. Only additional reference/pointer is created when passed into the method.

So since that additional reference is pointing to the same object, you can actually change the value. That's why arr[0] = 10;

Hi Guys , Confusion ....confusion ...Confusion .

This is a mockup Question .

class Practice{

public void method(int arr[]){
arr[0] = 10;
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] small = {1,2,3};
Practice t= new Practice10();

When I saw this question the first thing that came to my mind is the fact that Non -Static methods cannot be reference from static context .

So I thought this would result in a compile time error . But when I executed the program it executed correctly . Ok that was my first question .

I was thinking of the output for this program .

I thought coz in Java method calling is by "pass by value" , I thought after the method call t.method(small); the output would be 1 but to my surprise the answer was 10 .

Can anyone please clear my doubts ? I would really appreciate your help .

[ October 05, 2007: Message edited by: Rakesh Yelugoila ]
Thank you all so much for this elaborate explaination . I really appreciate all your help.
Hi all ,

I am writing my SCJP1.4 in 10 days . But I was surprised with the answer I got with the code below . This was one of the mock exam Q`s .

public class Practice implements I{
static int k = 1;
k = k * 2;
k = k * 2;
public static void main(String args[]){
Practice t1 = new Practice();
Practice t2 = new Practice();

interface I{
int k =1;

The O/P was :

I have no clue how we got this answer .

I would really appreciate anyone if anyone could explain me in detail .

Thanks in advance.
[ September 28, 2007: Message edited by: Rakesh Yelugoila ]

Originally posted by Jesper Young:

No; the bitwise operators & and | have higher precedence than the logical operators && and ||. The Java Tutorial: Operators has a table with the operator precedences.

So line 1: false && true || true is evaluated as (false && true) || true which is true
And line 7: false && true | true is evaluated as false && (true | true) which is false

[ September 18, 2007: Message edited by: Jesper Young ]

Can anyone explain why 6is FALSE? Coz if the unary operators have high precedence I assume the the expression is evaluated like

((true & true) || false)) = (T || F) = T

Thanks in advance.
Source : SCJP Java 2 by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates.

import java.io.*;

public class Switch{

public static void main(String args[])
final int one =1 ;
final int two = 2 ;
int x = 1;
case one :

break ;
case two :
break ;


When I compiled the above program it compiled and executed correctly with an output one.

The above code uses final variables in a case statement . Note that if the final keyword is omitted , the above will not compile.

I understood that if we omit the final keyword , this will not compile but I did not understand why it compiled and executed properly if we add the final variable . Can anyone please explain it in detail ?

Thanks in advance .
[ September 11, 2007: Message edited by: Rakesh Yelugoila ]
Sorry Sir . I did not intend to spread any rumors but I was a bit worried . Now I am relieved .

Hi Guys ,

I am new to JavaRanch . This is my first E-mail . I have started preparing for SCJP 1.4 . I wanted to know if the WHIZLABS SCJP 1.4 Preparation Kit really helps ??
One more questions is that I heard somewhere that SUN is not offering SCJP 1.4 after August . Is it true ?? I am worried coz I am planning to write my SCJP 1.4 in OCT . Please advice .

Thanks in advance .
[ August 20, 2007: Message edited by: Rakesh Yelugoila ]