Mohana Rao Sv

Ranch Hand
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since Aug 01, 2007
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Recent posts by Mohana Rao Sv

As per the stack trace my prediction is you are not defined setter and getter method's properly. Struts2 FileUpload
12 years ago
Struts2 IteratorTag

12 years ago
It's a matter of taste, Try both IDE tools and use which one you feel comfortable. But eclipse have lot of plug-ins and it most widely used IDE. Google Trends Eclipse vs Netbeans
One simple google hit first link i got this. Google should be your first mentor Don't take me wrong
12 years ago
It's not easy to predict the correct solution for you. Post your code what you had done and ask the problem.
12 years ago
I think it's problem with namespace, you have to specify the same space. If my consideration is correct you should get action not found error. NameSpace Configuration.
12 years ago

For your reference Struts2 Form Tags
12 years ago
So, what it's doing when it should forward and put the logger level in debug mode and identify the problem.
12 years ago
Struts2 Select Tag Example

Try the above example if you have any problems post here.

Prepare Interceptor and consider this interceptor when you are doing pre population logic.
12 years ago
Hey!! Post your uploadImage.jsp file please
12 years ago
Do you want to override struts default tags?
Struts2 TextFiled Usage
12 years ago
Whenever user selected a tab onClick you can trigger an action using the following tag.
12 years ago
Which struts version you were using?
What do you want to do with threads / why do you need it actually?
12 years ago