richard hiltbrunn

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since Aug 02, 2007
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Recent posts by richard hiltbrunn

I have an opportunity for employment at a new site but need to get up to speed with JBoss. I have just downloaded the
App Server, and am looking forward to digging in, but sincerely want some advise as to which books would be best for a
novice with JBoss?

Thanks, Rich
16 years ago
Thanks everyone for your input. Looks like Java desktop type stuff will have to be a quirky thing that I do on a personal basis. Who knows, maybe someday I'll find a job where they'll let me do in-house swing dev.

Thanks again for your opinions.

17 years ago
I have been working for just a little while with Netbeans, and especially with the Netbeans GUI builder. I like what I have seen and used so far, but feel a bit discouraged. It seems to me that there is not much work in doing Java Desktop apps. And it also seems to me that Java is not really thought of in a good light when it comes to the desktop. Is this changing? Do you think it will? Is the desktop dead? What do the rest of you think?

Thanks, Rich
17 years ago