Dhineshkumar raj

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since Aug 06, 2007
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Recent posts by Dhineshkumar raj

Originally posted by James A Anderson:

It's a legitimate beginner forum question. In order to choose the best tool for a job, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the tools that are available to you.

The hammer analogy doesn't translate very well to a field as complex as software engineering. Hopefully, software development tools have more numerous potential applications than a hammer does and therefore the decision of which one to choose isn't as straightforward.

sorry just am testing how to use Quotes..
16 years ago

Originally posted by Jesper Young:

I believe we should help people here as best we can, however "dumb" their questions might sound to you.

Sorry please ignore this reply its just for testing...
16 years ago

Originally posted by Jesper Young:

I believe we should help people here as best we can, however "dumb" their questions might sound to you.

Yes i Agree with this.
16 years ago
Hi all,

Can any one tell some advantages of JBoss server than other Application Servers ???

16 years ago
Hi all,

In Struts, Action class comes under which part of Controller or Model ???

My opinion is , The Action Class is part of the Model and is a wrapper around the business logic. The purpose of Action Class is to translate the HttpServletRequest to the business logic.

And i got diffrent point from this site:

Action class acts as wrapper around the business logic and provides an inteface to the application's Model layer. It acts as glue between the View and Model layer. It also transfers the data from the view layer to the specific business process layer and finally returns the procssed data from business layer to the view layer.

Can any one tell me clear idea..
Action class comes under which part Controller or Model ???

16 years ago
What definition we can give for Object??

Can any one tell me the real example for Class and Object.
but please dont give example like this..
( class as a vehicle. An object as a lorry or car or rocket.
A lorry is an object, so is a car and a rocket too. But all of them are vehicles.)
Its seems the example for inheritance.
I think its like parent/child relationship.
Like super class is Animal. Say subclass Elephant, Bear and Tiger are example for objects.
subclass Tiger has its two types of behavior,
1) Own behavior - like (kills others animals and eats)
2) Common behavior - like (All animals don't have 6th sense and lives in forest and so on.. )

please any one give me the proper definition for Class & object with examples.
16 years ago
We know that Java supports built in multi thread environment.
consider a particular OS supports only single thread environment.
In this type of OS, is it possible to use Java's Multithread.
Did you understand what am saying??

In a single thread environment(which supports by OS) is it possible use Java's multi thread??

What is the life cycle of JVM ??

As we know the following,
Java is both compiler and Interpreter
Java is a just-in time compiler.

javac classname.java

// using this command am compiling my code. It means JVM converts the normal Unicode(.java file) into bytecode(.class file) right??

Now when will the interpreter takes its turn ?? Before making the .class file or after making .class ??

16 years ago
Why i want to use serialization in my program?

1) For simply storing and restoring an state of object.
If you say yes, in which circumstances, i need to save an object??

2) Is there any other purpose or necessary to use serialization??

16 years ago
what is the use of Volatile Key word ??

There is a primitive variable
volatile int b = 10; // this is a master copy

Locally thread A changes this int b as 5.
Locally thread B changes this int b as 20.

thread c want to use this int b.
now what c will get??

If didn't use volatile what will happen.

16 years ago
What is the different b/w
System.out &
System.err &

16 years ago
1) What is Demon thread?

2) what is Green thread?

Can you one example for demon thread.

How can we say Java is portable??
can any one explain briefly

16 years ago
Can any one give me the definition for Framework??
And why what is the use of framework. If i dont use framework, what will happen in my application?

16 years ago
In java is there any way to find a particular object is not used by any live thread.

16 years ago