Musab Al-Rawi

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since Aug 06, 2007
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Recent posts by Musab Al-Rawi

the purpose is to disable scriptlets and REMIND developers not that they can't use them ... ignores scriptlets could be confusing, as you won't get what you expect.
Hi all,

After more than 6 months of preparation I passed the exam yesterday.
I read Manning book twice, the spec's twice as well. the first time I go through a book I highlight things and take general notes then the second time I read a book i refine my notes.
enthuware mock exams helped me understand the topic as those great people provide such a nice explanation for each question. I recommend buying their mock exam as they are the best really!

So thank God I passed with a nice score, although I was aiming for 90's but 86 isn't bad.

good luck all
15 years ago
How about having an interceptor for your MDB that throws an exception based on a criteria that can be captured from the DB or wherever.
The first problem that I can spot is that you are creating threads from a session bean, you can't create threads from a session bean.
May I interrupt you guys, I would appreciate it if you allow me to help as well.
I would like to participate in a project.
Hello all,
the ejb3.0 specification says (chapter 60 page 241):

There is also an example on page 242:

Now finally my questions are:
1. Why did we need to include the ejb1_client.jar in app2.ear (or even in app1.ear), wasn't it enough to refer to it (using class-path in Manifest, or may be just by using <ejb-client-jar>) as the bullets quoted first suggest?
2. How come we didn't need to use <ejb-client-jar> for ejb2.jar
3. Since both of ejb1.jar and ejb2.jar are packaged in app1.ear couldn't we simply refer to the ejb1_client.jar in the Manifest file of app1.ear?

Please, I appreciate your input on this.
What about using MDB for operations that might take a long time?
Yes the container decides when to spaawn a new ejb but at the end when an ejb client invokes a method it will have to wait (block) until it's over.
When I said multi-threading i meant that the client won't have to wait, instead run the method in a seperate thread.
Hello All,

As we all know, we can't instantiate threads from within EJBs. But the question is:
Do we need threads, to perform operations faster may be, or to split a lengthy transaction?

Of course dealing with threads directly is tricky and probably that's one of the reasons why it is forbidden in EJB, but if there is a solution that provides the feeling of threading how far would you need it and use it?

Please think of this post as a think-out-loud post, so everyone's participation is highly appreciated.

What do you mean with "the rest is skipped".
Are you using JSP's, JSF or servlets?
any Exception in the server's log?
when you try to insert a DVD, do you get the form, and dose DB change?

Elaborate more please
Sorry, nothing that I can think of.
Please give us hints on this topic if you find anything.

Hello Ahmed,

I am brainstorming here so I am not sure if this would work, but what about using MDB the returns confirmation if sub-transactions succeed.
so the main EJB starts sending messages to different MDBs and check the confirmation of each.

but this sounds like your EJB will be doing a lot of management on its own, in other words you won't utilize services provided by the container properly like transactions. Don't you think?
mappedName attribute is used with Remote EJBs (not local ones).
It is used to give your EJB a "global" name, this name is added to the JNDI and it allows components that are outside your application to access it and use it.

name attribute on the other hand, is used to give EJB a local name, components the belong to the same application that declare the EJB will use this name, they can also use the mappedName if you provided one.

I hope that helped.