camilo lopes

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Recent posts by camilo lopes

gurpeet singh wrote:

camilo lopes wrote:if you created a constructor in superclass without args, you cannot call super() in subclass, because the default constructor is not created when we create a constructor with args. If you want to do of that code work, so add a constructor no args in superclass, like this:

hi camilo. the original question says that "you don't have the liberty to insert no-arg constructor to Animal class" so you cannot modify Animal class. you have to insert super call with a string argument.

oh yeah. I had forgotten of this part. thanks for remember me :0.
if you created a constructor in superclass without args, you cannot call super() in subclass, because the default constructor is not created when we create a constructor with args. If you want to do of that code work, so add a constructor no args in superclass, like this:

good question, I am looking for someone has done training with them.
hi guys, I have more one question the subject to the exam JEE 5 must be studied to JEE 6 too? I see that the exame JEE 6 iz0-89 has less objective than iZ0-897.

I am confused.
Hi guys,

I would like to know what material you recommend to Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Services Developer?


Deepak Bala wrote:Did you mention a http proxy when using wsimport ? Is the URL reachable on a browser ? If yes does the browser use a proxy ?

yes in browser the url works very well. I use a private certificate. so, I will have to use this certificate in wsimport, right? do you know how do it?

13 years ago
Hi guys,

I am trying to create a client to web services that use https://url?wsdl. I have already tried with Eclipse and wsimport (java 6) but without sucess.

1. In Eclipse, when I put url to wsdl, the window is empty.

2. wsimport: I receive this message: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable"

if I try to use with http. No problem I get to create a client normally, but https is a problem.

any idea ?

13 years ago
hi g tsuji
I got it . I used Admin&-a-m-p;strator. Now it is working.


13 years ago
Hi guys,

I do not understand why I am having this problem when I try to search some data in my api using & as string in field:

In soapui, I have this values:

There is a owner with "&" in string. But when I try to search, my response is:

Mon Jan 30 13:37:52 BRST 2012:ERROR:An error occured [The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.], see error log for details

do someone have passed by this problem? any idea how to fix?

13 years ago
of this way, it works as expected. db return the record. I executed:


LIKE '%Lo%pes%' : the problem here, the DB returned data. I expected empty.

do you get to see any problem?
hm of this way it works.

I do not why of this. I executed againt hsqldb via Hibernate using criteria Like and the string 'LoP%es' the result was as expected. any result. But with sql server, I have data returned with 'Lop%es' what should be ignored once that I do not have this data in DB.

it is strange, is not it?

oh sorry I wrote wrong. this is correct:

the result is empty.
I executed

select * from user where lastname LIKE 'Lop%es"

in my db saved we have:
name: camilo
lastname: Lopes

Hi Kamara,

I executed in DB and the result was empty. so, in DB worked as expected. I did not understand, because in hibernate is different. do you have any idea?