suresh myageri

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since Aug 16, 2007
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Recent posts by suresh myageri


I have added four portlets in a Sinlge Portal page. say p1 ,p2 ,p3 and p4.

I am using the cooperative portlets. p1 is the source and p2 is the target.

when i click on any action button in p1 complete portal page is getting reloaded.Is there any way only p2 get refresh and other portlets p3 and p4 remain in their own state.
The values which i entered in p3 and p4 are lost because of the action button click of p1 portlet.

is any one having idea ,pls help.

16 years ago

I need to achieve the pagination using dataTable.
It supports various display styles.

pager deluxe |< < 1 of 5 > >|
pager web 1 2 3 4 5

But i need to achieve in the following style

< Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next >

can anyone achieved pagination in the above style using the data table.

I am using JSF for developing the JSR 168 compliant portlet

Please help to resolve the issue

thanks in advance
[ February 17, 2008: Message edited by: suresh myageri ]
16 years ago
Hi All,

I have a JSP page.i am setting a list of values from action class.
I am displaying the same data in JSP.I want to enable downloading the same data from my page in PDF format.Say i have a download button if i press it i need the data in PDF format which i will store into my local disk.

Please help me in achieving this functionality

16 years ago
Hi All,

Please help me in understanding the new features of struts 1.2.
actually i have a work experience in struts 1.1. Also i have practiced some tutorial project in struts 1.2. but not able to get the new features.

16 years ago
Hi Ben,

thanks a lot for valuable guidance.


16 years ago
Hi Emanuel,

Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestion.

[ November 01, 2007: Message edited by: suresh myageri ]
16 years ago
thanks for your kind response,

actully its one of the requirements given by our client.they want the snapshot of the form which they are submitting. All the values will be stored in relational data base.

Column1 Column2 Column3

textbox1 value textbox2 value Snapshot data (Html format)
16 years ago
Hi All,

I need to implement a functionality where i need to store the snapshot of the form in html format along with the form values into the database.

How can i synchronize the process of taking the snapshot of the screen and then uploading that along with the form values.Is there any API's for getting the snapshot and storing in a temporary location and then uploading it just like an attachment.

I am not sure either this topic is correct in this forum.

If you have any idea on this,please help

Thanks in advance

16 years ago
Hi All,

I need to achieve dyanmic form building functionality in JSP.
i.e i would like to provide a functionality for end user where the user will be able to build his/her own form.Adding some text box,drop down's and radio button.

I have any idea of <div> tag and we can make it visible and invisible depending upon some conditions.but i am worried about the database related issues like the table design to achieve the dynamic functionality.

I have an idea of the xml where we have name /value functionality.I am planning to generate xml file from the front end attributes and save the file to Database.Whenever user query for the form ,we can read the xml file and generate the data to the form.

Is my approach feasible.

Please suggest me some solutions.

thanks in advance


[ October 28, 2007: Message edited by: suresh myageri ]

[ October 28, 2007: Message edited by: suresh myageri ]
[ October 29, 2007: Message edited by: suresh myageri ]
16 years ago
Hi Jothi Shankar Kumar Sankararaj,

Congrats on your successful completion of one year.

I hope the journey was great experience and added value to your career.

16 years ago
Hi All,

thanks for your greetings.
16 years ago

As you said ,you are 4 years experience in Java.I think you can do it with preperation of 15 days.

Always having certification will add value to your profile.

I suggest you ,better buy a book by Kathy Sierra

All the best for your preperation.
Hi All,

I have cleared the SCJP with 88 %.thanks to kathy for wonderful book.

I have appeared for SCJP 1.4 because i worked on i need to any upgradation certificate for 5.0. How much it's cost and how much value it will add to my Career.

Hi All,

I have cleared the SCJP with 88 %.thanks to kathy for wonderful book.

I have appeared for SCJP 1.4 because i worked on i need to any upgradation certificate for 5.0. How much it's cost and how much value it will add to my Career.

16 years ago