divya kundapur

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since Aug 21, 2007
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Recent posts by divya kundapur


I want to create jar file from xsd. I tried xjc complier but its giving me java files. I know the apache cfx we are able to create jar files, but i have forgotten it. Please any help
I dont see many people taking this certification or is it that theres just not much activity here ,,,
12 years ago

Do we need to refer this book for the latest version of the exam.

J2EE Web Services: XML SOAP WSDL UDDI WS-I JAX-RPC JAXR SAAJ JAXP by Richard Monson-Haefel (Paperback - Oct 30, 2003)


I was asked to mention any design patterns used in the project, so i told adapter pattern is used to make 2 different systems work together.

Eg: I have two systems with different object structures , so i used adapter pattern there to make these 2 systems work together.

But the interviewer was not happy with it. Can anybody please let me know whats worng here.

i need to get cdata value from this <user:user.clearTextPassword xsi:type=\"string\"><![CDATA[xyz123]]></user:user.clearTextPassword> any help
13 years ago
Using simpledateformat, i m not able to convert it to this format 2011-05-02T19:50:42.868-04:00 yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS after this i dont know what to do
13 years ago

while i unmarshall using jaxb, i m getting null object with an object. While i know it have value in xml .. any help

i need to have a soap header with the above format, any help, I m getting the values form jaxb object.
13 years ago


i need to have a soap header with the above format, any help
13 years ago
thats exactly what i m doing, i have saaj-api-1.3.jar in classpath and mail.jar

13 years ago

I m trying to create a soap xml,, and SOAPEnvelope soapEnvelope = soapPart.getEnvelope(); is giving me null. Any help.
13 years ago
can somebody help me,, i have hardcoded values into the parameters and its working fine, but not when i pass it from an arraylist.