Devu Shah

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since Jun 21, 2001
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Recent posts by Devu Shah

Congratulation. good score.
pl. give guideline on following issues.
1. did u serialised any class that u made ?
2. did u created seperate class for lock/unlock ?
thanks in advance
Hi everybody,
just now i visited sun's site. I got information, which i would like to share with u.
Exam due date : None (Not one year as we were thinking).
Essay Exam : 4 Question (Not 5 !).
Any comment on above points ?
thanx Michael Ernest for reply.
But i am not understanding two things.
1. How my way is good ? will it not keep one thread(?) waiting for users input? then will it not decrease server efficiency ?
2. Why BUT WHY there is no built in method in RMI for shutting down ?
And lastly if u dont mind can u guide me , if at all, i want to capture key events (like making hotkey ) in non gui Application,
how to do ? (because 'enableEvent' is for gui only )
thanks in advance.

Can anyone guide me how to add keyboard listener to application without having gui.
Basically I want this for shutting down server gracefully.
Right now I am using very bad method�. .i.e. Server is waiting for user�s input in while loop. I don�t think this is right way . I think we could add simply keyboard listener. But how I don�t know?
Requesting for guideline.

I am surprised that no book, no forum, no body discuss very serios matter "how to shut down RMI gracefully ?" Because if we are using Conttrol+c then what about database if some transaction might going on(written to database ).
I thaught one way might be in right direction. if we use key lisner which takes control+c and pass it to method which can handle shut down process. BUT without gui i dont know how to add key listener to application.? I think makeing do while loop and waiting for userinput is not good design. we should have somthing like key listener.
can any body guide how to add keylistener (Or hotkey) to application without having gui ?
23 years ago
I am throwing all posible error from remoteData class to client.
I am getting almost every exception ok Except, when server is made shut down and then remote client is just booking ticket, instead of getting error "Connection lost" I get error "connection is refused...." !!!
Can anybody guide why it is like this? (I could override message manually to show conncetion is btoken BUT.. i want it should be thrown from server side (stub is there to inform us ??)
Congratulation ! very high score.
I need your guideline in some points.
Did u write javadoc comments for every method of interface or you just wrote in Data class and remoteData class?
Again did you write javadoc style comment for each methods, even for private methods?
did u keep Synchronised word for data class methods (for local mode ) as it is or you removed Synchronisation for local mode.
I have one doubt.
I am using VERY BIG Help file in JEditorPane ( to show online help) as follow.
URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(fileName);
pane = new JEditorPane(url);
Now,to free up non java resource, what should I make null, in finalize method, ?
should it be url ?
or pane ?
i.e. should it be url = null;
or pane = null; in finalize method.
I have one doubt.
I am using VERY BIG Help file in JEditorPane ( to show online help) as follow.
URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(fileName);
pane = new JEditorPane(url);
Now what should I make null, in finalize method, to free up non java resource ?
should it be url ?
or pane ?
i.e. should it be url = null;
or pane = null; in finalize method.
thanks in advance.
23 years ago
Thankx for reply.
Hello everybody,
can any one explain why 'IOException' is THROWN in data class ?
Data class is throing 'DatabaseException' is ok as there is class which will handle DatabaseException. BUT what is the idia behind throwing IOException (insteading of just handling there only) in Data class ?
My Q. still remain unanswered....
i request to clear my doubt.
As we use all methods of find() in our criteriaFind() method, why criteriaFind is not syncronised while find method is syncronised ??
(infact criteriaFind is more adv version of find method.)
Thankx for reply.
All the Best for future.
Conratulations!!! your good score.
Can u guide me in..
how did u handled error( and/or exception).
Did u modified DatabaseException class to handle more properly exceptions?
Totally how many java files did u made for client(gui client) ? (As i just made 4 files for suncertify.client package ).
did u used any specific pattern ?
I would appriciate your answer on these ...
thanks in advance.
Hello Sankar,
Congratulation !
Now a days hardly one candidate clear per week ?!?!
good score.
As u got full marks in GUI, can u eloberate on that. What were your layout, color scheme, what care is taken for future changes in gui ?
thanks and cogrates once again