Muni K Reddy

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since Aug 23, 2007
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Recent posts by Muni K Reddy

Thanks! I shall attempt to download JAMON today!
16 years ago
I have recently joined a Banking Tech group where I see plenty of JSP's, Javascripts and html pages. Is there any way I can reduce the bandwidth utilized by using certain tools to reduce the size of file?
How do I identify the problem areas?
16 years ago
I have recently joined a Banking Tech group where I see plenty of JSP's, Javascripts and html pages. Is there any way I can reduce the bandwidth utilized by using certain tools to reduce the size of file?
How do I identify the problem areas?
16 years ago
Bear, You have been very helpful to me! You always stress on Best practices of programming and your answers always show a genuine interest to help solve the problem.

Many Thanks!
17 years ago
Is Connection Pooling covered in HF SQL?
Thanks a lot. Just loaded a class dynamically!
That was a beautiful explanation! Owe you a beer!
17 years ago
Thanks very much for you replies! I now got myself confused a bit by reading the the following in an article:

Can you avoid changing the code you have already written and tested to add new functionality? Can you add new classes to your program without having to recompile the whole thing? The answer to both questions is yes, and as you might have guessed, is based on interfaces and dynamic class loading.

If there is a need to add functionality to your own classes, why would you be using dynamic loading? I will always know all the methods in it so why not use the "new" keyword and do a static loading to load the classes and add functionality??

Here's the article!Im still trying to understand the example in the article and would like to know if the given dynamic loading example is the correct design pattern for such scenarios!

Would be glad if someone could help me clarify my confusion!
[ September 17, 2007: Message edited by: Muni K Reddy ]
17 years ago
Hello Guys,

I would like to make my own Custom class and call it using Class.forname() method fromt he Reflection API. Could you please give me a few steps in the right direction to help me achieve this?

Does the class being called dynamically have some special properties. Is the parameter inside Class.forname(parameter) a fully qualified path of the class?

Are there any disavantages of calling a class dynamically?

Im trying the following:

And I am trying to run the method setX() by calling the class TestClass dynamically i.e without making an instance of TestClass using the "new" keyword.

Many Thanks

[ September 17, 2007: Message edited by: Muni K Reddy ]
[ September 17, 2007: Message edited by: Muni K Reddy ]
17 years ago
Could anyone please recommend a good book for a comprehensive explanation of the Collection API, which could be used as a tutorial as well as a reference book.

17 years ago
Thanks mate!
17 years ago