Dhaneshkumar Parthasarathi

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since Aug 24, 2007
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Recent posts by Dhaneshkumar Parthasarathi

in 11th line code , its not printing the line string value which is reading from the file.

is there any mistake in the code , please let me know if someone knows .

15 years ago
1. File FILE = new File("C:\\primes.txt");
2. FileChannel fileChannel = new FileInputStream(FILE).getChannel();

//MappedByteBuffer mbb = fc.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, fc.size());
3. ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int)fileChannel.size());
5.CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode(buffer);
6.BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new CharArrayReader(cb.array()));
7.String line;
8.while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
9. System.out.println(" FileChannel : "+line);

in the above program , the line number 9 is not printing the line(String value which is read from the file) ,

if i add buffer.flip(); after 4th line , then i can able to print the line.

could you someone let me know is there any mistake above code .

15 years ago
Could you please add me aslo.
my gmail id is ivihdhan@gmail.com
while deploying JCA1.0 adaptos in websphere6.1 server , i am getting follwing exception.

Errors occurred during installation of the RAR file. Refer to the log files on node BCTCWshankarnNode01 for more information.
com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConfigServiceException: javax.management.MBeanException: RuntimeException thrown in RequiredModelMBean while trying to invoke operation getResourceAdapterFromRAR

could please let me what have been the issue here.

Thanks and Regards
Instead �import� we can use the word �Deploy� ,

is it possible to deploy the JAIN-SIP RA in your apps server?

First discover whether is it based on JCA compliant RA or vendor specific RA . if it first one , then you can deploy them in your apps server and try to access EIS thru JNDI lookup and CCI api�etc..

If its second one, you have to go thru the vendor specific API.
anybody is there to help me out?

Hi vijay,

I don�t know what is your requirement for RA.,
Like, are you going to connect any other remote/local java based EIS from your J2ee application.?
If so then , go thru the JCA1.0 or JCA2.0�s SPI and API.. or
atleast come here with your needs and some basic idea/needs of behind Resource adaptor and JCA. there so many links are available in google for RA.


Java Business Integration (JBI)

I would like to learn and work JBI .

I have little knowledge about ServiceMix, and OpenESB. Similarly I want to create my SOA environment based on JBI.

If I want to create a JBI container for my SOA, then how can I start from the very base level.

Could you please somebody suggest where I can get the good document or any other open sources which I can easily grasp the JBI�s SPI and API

In JCA , matchManagedConnections() method is not getting invoked by the apps server.( ManagedConnectionFactory impl class.)

Initially there were 10 connection object created during the server startup , but it always getting new connection(calling createManagedConnection ()method) while giving the request.

Could you let me know where i could done the mistake .

Thanks in advance
Is there any open source JCA Resource Adaptor available for connecting Oracle DB or any other database?

Could you please somebody give suggestion to create a RA for connecting oracle DB. (thru JCA).

Thanks and Regards
Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for your post.
Even I do not expecting high level JCA adaptors at the beginning/learning stage. Let me check with Eclipse Gannymede's JCA. I am trying to start with very simple/basic example which I can understand. could please let me know if any other links for this.

Even , myself tried to find the good books for JCA. but no way it seems� ???

Yes Jeanne,

you are right . it is a configuration problem only. First I have tried in webspher server to deploy this rar. It was not accepting as it was expecting some extra configuration . then I have tried in weblogic , here I could deployed. While restarting the server it eas saying that
�Access Denied� not able to nitialize the EIS object.
I do not know how I can proceed further to debug this as its required some basic/advance knowledge required about ra.xml file.

RAR File Location ::

Thanks in advance.
Dear all,
Rearding JCA, I have gone through almost all links which are got it from google and understood its architecture and needs of it .
Now I have to start work on JCA and create my own resource Adaptor for my application with JCA complaint.

I had gone thru following link also which contain only one example which is not working


Could you please somebody help/let me know where I can get the some sample RA..