rex tony

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since Aug 29, 2007
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Recent posts by rex tony

Hi Ulf Dittmer,
It is very vague in Apache CXF, Do you have any proper example in Apache CXF?

12 years ago
Any one help me to Soap over JMS using apache CXF.

12 years ago
How can i integrate Dojo and Liferay.In my portlet i can add the Button and text box component using Dojo.But i cant add the Tab Component in my liferay portlet.
Any one some idea regarding this.l

Thanks and Regards
15 years ago
Some time we've written
Class.forName() or Class.forName().getInstance()
What is the difference between them.
Hi Souther:

I can't understand thats why i arised this question
16 years ago
In Generic Servlet Class has two init(),init(ServletConfig Config) what is the difference these two methods?
16 years ago
why HttpServlet class as Abstract?
16 years ago
String s= "REX";
String s= new String("REX");
Both are classes too.
what are the Main Key differences
16 years ago
public class Example{
public static void main(String args[])
int a2=5;
int b2=5;


it throws Compile time Exception:int cant be dereferenced.
16 years ago
i couldn't understand the difference between init(),init(servletConfig) in Servlet.
we have the following A,B,C jsp file.
Which are A.jsp<-------------->B.JSP<--------------->C.JSP
Page include JSP Include

at the runtime How many Servlet File will create?.
16 years ago
In JSP,can we call the any method within the scriptlet?
16 years ago
what is purpose of interruptedThread?.How and when to handle?
servlet Class ABC Can call the another display() of the Servlet Class DEF


Servlet ABC Servlet DEF

Display2() -Display2() can call from the servlet DEF-----> Display2()
If so,How?
16 years ago