This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

Jaideep Kshirsagar

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since Aug 29, 2007
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Recent posts by Jaideep Kshirsagar

Just redeploying web applications will help after increasing JVM size or is there something else also which is to be considered?
16 years ago

Can we delete 'httpsd_access_log' of tomcat server while tomcat is running?
Will it start logging freshly if we do so?

Why I want to do it is because the size of this file is pretty huge. This is kind of urgent, any quick help on this is very much appreciated.

It seems to me that Tomcat does not delete this file at start up as I can see lot of 'prehistoric' date logs lieing in there. Is this true?

16 years ago

I have an application deployed on tomcat installation on a linux box. I use manager app to deploy the application war file and then start tomcat. In this case tomcat is taking lot of time to start around 25 min each time. Anybody faced similar issue? Any resolutions on this?

16 years ago

Does hooking up to a SOAP service takes a lot of time? It has been observed that considering initialization and query time, SOAP is on heavier side.
Is there any light alternative to SOAP?

16 years ago

I am new to PERL scripting.
I have a requirement where in I have to

1. query the database
2. based on result set, create objects of a JAVA class
3. cache these objects in Hashtable and
4. return the Hashtable.

Can a perl script do this for me?

16 years ago
This information may be of help -

The cache holds various exceptions which are sent to different exception buckets on screen.

This means that it is a gui to display exceptions occured while processing.

What data does the cache contains.

Cache consists of various hashmaps containing exception objects of various types.

But i am not sure if you need all the data for display or something that sort.

Yes, I would need the entire data for displaying exceptions on screen.

Thank you,
16 years ago

I am not sure how <load-on-startup> tag will benefit me in this case, I am already using it with value as '1', as the concerned servlet should be the first one to get loaded.

The problem is that due to cacheing happening in 'init(servletConfig)' method, load up time is shooting up.

I dont have a fare clue if a perl script can do my job (cacheing) beforehand and I can just use the object wherever required. I am also not definitely aware if using 'init()' method for cacheing will help. Any insights on this?

16 years ago

Servlet uses the cache in doGet method, any option through which I can load the cache before servlet startup just use it in servlet?

16 years ago

I am loading a cache in 'init' method of servlet. The cache holds various exceptions which are sent to different exception buckets on screen.

Now as the number of exceptions are too high, it takes a long time (around 30 min) to load the cache. Untill the cache is loaded the servlet does not show up.
So servlet start up time is causing performance issues.

Is there any way through which first exception cacheing is handled by some script or different method in servlet and then the servlet comes up?

How to reduce the start up time for this servlet, considering amount of cacheing required? Please let me know if any more information is required.


16 years ago

I have a servlet where a cache gets uploaded in init(ServletConfig config)method, due to which the servlet is taking a lot of time at start up, to show up. Would moving this code to init()(without parameters)help? when to use init()(without parameters)method anyway?

16 years ago

Excluding Saturday and Sunday, I want to calculate remaining days difference (count) in two given date objects. Please hit back ASAP.
16 years ago
Valueing all the mentioned opinions I just want to add that there is analytical side to the programming as well. The above poster expressed his inability to come up with ideas while programming, its very common for initial years in your software career. Its very important get over your fear of programming and believe that there is a solution for every problem. The analytical side comes into play while understanding various nuances in the code, it is easy in this open environment to get a piece of code which does the work for you but more important point is to learn how that piece of code helped you. It is this difference between using something and learning something. If you take interest in learning, you will enjoy it and will have abundant ideas for a topic. For every new language there is some learning curve and it may be different for different people depending upon individual analytical abilities. Nevermind if you are taking more time than others but make sure you learn it the correct way. At the end of the day your aim should be to play around with language and enjoy while doing that.
16 years ago
Yes you can use ECLIPSE which is widely used and lighter or intelliJ which requires a lot of RAM.
Consider this code with no public class

We can specify any name for the file containing this code (as long as we dont have public class in there). Suppose we create a file called '' containing this code & compiled it. At compilation two different class files 'JK.class' & 'YO.class' will be generated. I guess now the point will be clearer to you.
16 years ago

Please share the information on Documentum. Being from JAVA background (2+ years experience), how easy/difficult it would be for me to work on Documentum? How can we co-relate Documentum developer work and JAVA developer work? How are career prospects in Documentum? I hope this is the right forum.

Thank you.
16 years ago