Abhishek Kumar Singh

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since Sep 07, 2007
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Recent posts by Abhishek Kumar Singh

I think you can pass the exam with book only but if you want a good score go for mocks.
Hi Everybody,
Finally I'v passed the exam SCWCD1.4 exam today with 84% after exact 1 month preparation .I am satisfied with my score.The paper was of 175 minutes and 80 questions(11 question for Sun's analysis (not evaluated).But I didn't know which were they.)The book was same HSFJ.But few questions I got were not covered in the book(I don't know that these questions were evaluated or not).
But rest were all from the book.
For Mocks I'v used both enthuware and whizlabs but I found enthuware better as enthuware people are much more responsive to my queries that I'v asked to them.
Now I'v to join a company in November.So its Party time for me!
Is the exam time and no. of questions have changed?
You are saying there are 80 questions and 175 minutes!
Consider the code shown in the exhibit for the init() method of a HTTP servlet.

public void init()
// 1 Get DBURL here
theConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, "admin", "admin");

Which of the following LOCs "may" correctly retrieve the DBURL parameter at //1?

(Assume that servletcontext is a reference to ServletContext for this servlet.)

Ans: servletcontext.getInitParameter("DBURL");
Here is the answer valid as init method cannot access any implicit object except ServletConfig.
anybody can tell how much is the difficulty level of enthuware compared to the real exam?I think enthuware is really hard.
Q 65 of test 2(id:1074483094290) gives API of request(implicit object of jsp)as ServletRequest & in HFSJ as HttpServletRequest.Which is correct?
In HFSJ Pg 511, the Jsp Tag Invocation where does "${movieCollection}" come from.
Please tell me that exam contain variable marks or not?
Do the actual exam also contains variable mark questions (i.e.1 or more marks)?
I'm using Whizlabs simulator. It contains variable mark questions.
I think Manning book properly explains Dynamic Attributes.
Is the Dynamic attributes notes given by B.Bashsam on this forum necessary from exam point of view ?
Thanks I'v got it.
Pg .680
The filters come across as they are declared in DD.So Why the 2nd. & 3rd. answers are 1,5,2 & 1,5,4 and not 1,2,5 & 1,4,5 as 4 and 2 declared before 5.
When there are TLDs through which runtime functions can be invoked what is the use of Custom Tags & Tag files.