John Simpson

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since Sep 10, 2007
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I am having the same difficulty with my configuration.

Were you able to find a solution for this?

Please let me know...
16 years ago

I am new to using Drools. I have downloaded the latest version, and I have deployed the drools-brms application onto my Jboss app server. I have also downloaded the latest version of Spring Modules (0.9), I am specifically interested in JSR94. I have read both the documentation for JSR94 (what little there is) and the docs for JBoss config. However, I have yet to be successful in configuring a JNDI lookup for my JSR94 -spring configuration. I would appreciate any help that anyone could give as the listed resources for both Spring and Jboss have done nothing for me. I have been stonewalled by every forum that I post in. Please advise...!
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply,

If you will notice, I have previously posted that my code is based off an example. I had left an important argument out of my code that is now being used. I am able to get all of the text from the file, but my image links are broken. I will keep investigating to find out how to resolve each image's src. Thanks you once again!
[ November 26, 2007: Message edited by: John Simpson ]
17 years ago

A file contains either HTML or a GIF, not both

Would I have to read in each image as a separate file then?
17 years ago
Ok, the actual file being read in has a .html extension. It is a report the has been exported as an html file. The report contains images within it (.gif's).
17 years ago
Thanks Ulf for the reply...

Until now I was unable to recognize that as a .gif image. The file that is being read in does actually contain html. What are the requirments for reading in .gif images and writing them to an outputStream.

A better question may be, where may I find information on writing .gif images to a servlet outputStream? (from an html file...)

17 years ago
Any guidance with this is appreciated...
17 years ago

I have a question regarding how to write html to an OutputStream from a byte[] array. I have the following code implemented:

However the resulting output is a bunch of bytecode, not html. An example output is:

Can someone please tell me what else I must do for the html to display correctly. I have set the Content type to text/html charset=UTF-8. I must also add that I am basing this code from an example that I have seen. The main goal was to read in from a tmp file the html content and display it to the user.

Thanks in advance.

[ November 26, 2007: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
17 years ago
Can anyone give advice/direction where to find info on horizontal clustering of JBoss AS? I am not referring to multiple nodes forming 1 cluster, but multiple clusters and their respective communications.

I have successfully created and deployed a single cluster, (with multiple nodes) I now need information regarding the communications between JBoss clusters.

Thanks in advance!

17 years ago
Thanks for the replies...

I have discovered my own confusion. The issue that I am having is that my initial request, (from the client - ajax) is asynchronous. BUT, the call to run the process in my struts action is not asynchronous. My action simply receives the request, starts a thread, and returns a response. The thread is the process which needs to be ran asynchronously. Not the initial request from the client. I guess because of 'asynchronous' abilities of ajax, I was expecting different results. It is clear now what I need to do. Thank you for your input though, it was very helpful...
17 years ago
Look at the struts samples code. Its all there, just take your time and read through it.
17 years ago
To further elaborate on Merrill's point,

Make sure that you have an id for the element, and also make sure that the ActionForm of your jsp has corresponding setters/getters for the parameter of that id.
17 years ago
check the attributes of the accountForm object that its complaining about. Sometimes they have different meanings than one would expect.

Hope it helps.
17 years ago
Sounds like you need to ping the server first. Try using an Ajax framework instead of plain old javascript...

Just a thought
17 years ago
Thanks everyone for the replies!

I suspect you probably want to be able to receive the response after navigating away from the page that initiated the request. This is not possible... but you can fake it.

Yes, this is exactly what my requirement is.

The trick is to keep the piece of code that initiated the AJAX call, as you navigate around. Probably the easiest was is to stick the the whole site/app in an iframe.

When you say "piece of code" are you referring to the url & its parameters?

UPDATE: I have the functionality to run the asynchronous process, using a separate Struts Action. (which gets called from the Ajax request) The 'asynchAction' starts a thread instance of my utility. (which runs the process). My problem now is sending a notification to the client that the process has finished...

I have read through several other forums, which state that the client should periodically refresh, or re-submit the request. Then in the asynchAction have a condition to see if the process is finished. This seems to be managable, but does anyone have other ideas?

I basically need a method to notify the client that the process has finished. (after the initial response has been sent.)

Any and all input is greatly appreciated!

17 years ago