manisha makwana

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since Sep 14, 2007
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Recent posts by manisha makwana

Hi ,
Using HttpURLConnection I am sending a post parameter and file to server.I dont have access to server if I want to check the complete request header, body and file send by my program how to do that?
14 years ago
here is my code.This code always give the following error

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(Unknown Source)

final ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(3);
ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 3,30000, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue);

threadPool.execute(new ResumeParserAPI(resumePath,userData,resumeServiceURL,userSession,service,attachmentURL));
Hi ,

After i get my result set in application server if Database crash occurs, what will happen to resultset that i already have?
I have a collection of user defined type i am converting that collection to array and then trying to send as a web service parameters.
15 years ago

I want to send a array of user defined type to web services.
When i use a sinlge oject without collection everything is working fine , but when i use array client wbe service give me error that no deserilaizer found for user defined type.
I am using Axis web services and wsdd for config.
I really dont know what all configuration i have do.I will apprciate if some can help me.
15 years ago

I have to pass object of collection to web service method.I know that using collection is not a good solution but i have to pass this.
And my collection is of userdefined type like

public void processData(collection user){
//exposed as a web service method

Collection data = new HashMap();
data.put("data1", emp);

where emp is an Object of class Employee.

Can anyone explain me how to do this?I am using Axis web service
15 years ago
Hi Eric,

In a dropdown list i have all the column name say A,B,C,D.And in my resultset i have a row whose name is A,B,C,D.And in resultset i have this value for user X,Y,Z.if from drop down list user select B then i want to display row B for user X,Y,Z.I have to do this by hiding row depneding on criteria form dropdown list.
Can you please help me to do the same.
User X
User Y

I am getting all the rows and column of a table in my page.And in dropdown list i am giving column name depending on cloumn name i have to show value of that column.
Can any one explani me how to do the same using Javascript
And i am using Struts Dyanaction form
15 years ago

I have a dropdown list with 14 value in dropdown, and i am using Javascript for this.When user select anyof this vlaue and click go button then i want to access this value in my dispatchaction class.I just want to access the value thats it.How to do this?What configuration i have to do in my struts-config.xml.
You can say i have a dropdown list of colors red,blue.yello.... and a go button.When user clicks on go i have to access this color value in dispatchaction class
15 years ago
I have cleared SCWCD with 92%.My exam preparatiion.
1)Hanumant desmukh one time
2) Read Head first servlet Java as many time as you can read.Evrytime you will learn something new .
3)Peabody's notes really good.
4)I have done some exam and also bought Enthuware but i am not happy with Enthuware.

Dont forget Mock exams....
Hi all,

I the following statement is true?

The execution control returns to the resource that has called the forward() method after the callee resource finishes processing.

for the request /Receipes/ the sequence answer is 1,5,2.

Can anyone explain me how?In the book it has mentioned that all the filters with matching URL are located first, and then Filters with matching URL patterns are placed in the chain in the order in which they are declared in DD.

So according to this sequence should be 1,2,5 this is what i think.Please enlighten me on the same.
Can you please ellobarate the same.I am not able to get the thing.