Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
Sorry. Never can resist to contribute to someting really meaningful.
Originally posted by Stevie Kaligis:
now... I am more
Originally posted by Raghav Sam:
Jus shows the bartenders have no other job !!!
Originally posted by Randall Twede:
America is doing it
I am an american an i have to say yes and no to this. to a point it is true. but there are still racial/cultural problems here. It is hard to put into words but both tolerance and discrimination exist side by side here. as a "white" man here there are some of other races i accept as the same without even thinking about it but others of that same race that because of their dress or hairstyle or whatever, i dont want to talk to
gee i hope that wasnt too honest
Originally posted by Angela Poynton:
My dream,
To have one whole day without stress, worry or anger. To wake up in the morning happy and go to bed at night happy.
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
What is the difference?
Originally posted by Syam Veerakumar:
Its like WWW any one can access it.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I can't speak of your country, but in our case the people who draw up our laws represent the people of the United States. We put them in that position and they are supposed to reflect our will. So in effect it is the people who govern themselves, albeit by proxy. A society submits to laws and governance because it is in its best interest. To do otherwise would result in anarchy and the breakdown of society, which does nobody any good.
To answer your question more directly, you should submit to laws drawn up by other people because if you don't then why would anybody else? If nobody is obeying those laws, your way of life is in jeopardy, so it is in your best interest to live within the rules dictated by society.