Hari babu

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In continuatation with the above post, My EJB "b" is deployed only on server B, and there is no mention of the EJB classes "b" in my server "A" (in A's classpath) and now the server A has to download the class files (class files of Bean "b") from server "B", for this to happen do i need to set anything special in my classpath as we do it in RMI for dynamic loading of classes ?
RUP has 4 phases and each phase is divided into number of iterations, now I want to know whether we pass through all the phases of RUP in each of the iterations(format1 mentioned below) or the iterations moves in progressive in each of the phases (format2, mentioned below).
For e.g
Format 1:

Iteration1 , we have inception,elaboration,construction and transition
Iteration2 , again we will have inception,elaboration,construction and transition
Format 2:
Inception phase: we have iteration 1 and iteration 2
Elaboration phase: we have iteration 3 and iteration 4
Construction phase: we have iteration 5 and iteration 6
Transition phase: we have iteration 7 and iteration 8

I feel the structure should be in the format1 mentioned above. Any clarification is appreciated.
You can't retrive a value from registry using preference API. The api provides an abstract layer in storing and retrieving "your application" user preferences (it can be used to store other small set of information also)
[ November 13, 2003: Message edited by: Hari babu ]
21 years ago
RUP Emphasize on the Iterative model, in the same way Agile also emphasize the itreative model. Do they both complement each other or is it Agile is a marketed terminology above RUP ??
I didn't the answer or may be i was not able to understand u'r explaination. One more thing that adds to the confusion is Extreme programming. How does Extreme programming, RUP and agile methodology (martin fowler's) fit in the whole SDLC
Can some one throw light on differences between agile methodology and RUP. I feel both are trying to convey the same message of how to develop a software in requirements changing enviornment.
methodx()is method of object "b"
You need to ensure thread safety while writing to a file so better way is to implement the SingleThredaModel intreface which ensures thread safety
21 years ago
I usually have 2 kinds of exceptions
1. System level (Run time Exception)
2. Application exception
System level exception are thrown if there some configuration problem, resource connection problem and so on.
Application level exception are thrown when there is invalid input from the end user.
System level exceptions interpreted by the webserver to display a common error page which says "Contact administartor"
Application exceptions are displayed to the user For e.g: "Invalid user name"
Any Comments ?
The configuration parameters initialised by the init(servletConfig) method, but how does the implement servlet classes get handle to the configuration parameters initialized from the init() method. Hence the Generic servlet extends ServletConfig interface
Here's what we follow in handling exceptions in our design. I want your comments on the same and want to know any other better approaches.
We throw Application exception (extends java.lang.Exception) from the EJB layer, only in the case where we want to show some error message to the end user. So that he/she can change the entered data and proceed.We catch the application exception in weblayer and display the error message back to the end user.
System exception (extends java.lang.RunTimeException) is thrown from the EJB layer for any error related to the configuration. For example if EJB A is looking for EJB B, in the method of EJB A where we lookup for EJB B, we catch "namingException" (thrown by the lookup() method of the InitialContext) and throw a SystemException, because throwing "naming exception" back to the presentation layer doesnt make any sense to the end user since the exception has occured due to the EJB developer/deployer mistake. The System exceptions are not caught by the presentation layer but configured in the web.xml to redirect the user to a common error page.
[ May 27, 2003: Message edited by: Hari babu ]
Hi All,
Why is that we have an unsetEntityContext() method in entity bean but there is no method called unsetSessionContext() in session bean. What is the rationale behined this ?
I feel u should access the scheduler object using a JNDI rather than directly calling the object.
Hi All,
Suppose if i have 5 EJB's in my application, Is it good to bundle them as single jar and deploy or keep each EJB's in a seperate jar and deploy them seperately. What are the advantages and disadvanatges of these two deployements ?
Hi All,
Why should we use EJB handle to store the reference to the "stateful session bean" at the client side rather than the remote reference itself ?