Kranthi Kondapaka

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 17, 2007
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Recent posts by Kranthi Kondapaka

i think we can go for rich:datascroller for pagination in jsf.
here is the url for reference
16 years ago
can any one let me know where can i find the jars for a GWT application.
16 years ago
Hi Venkat,
this is the home page which constist of four tab and the code is like this

<h:form id="formMain">
<%@ include file="header.jspf"%>
<rich:spacer height="1" />
<rich:tabPanel headerAlignment="center" switchType="ajax">
<rich:tab styleClass="home" label="Home" labelWidth="100px"
action="" id="Home" >
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp"%>
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/seemorevideos.jsp"%>
<rich:tab styleClass="category" label="Category" labelWidth="100px"
action="#{CategoryData.listOfCategories}" id="Category">
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/category.jsp"%>
<rich:tab styleClass="community" label="Community"
labelWidth="100px" id="Community" action="#{CommunityData.communitiesGroup}">
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/community.jsp"%>
<rich:tab styleClass="studio" label="Studio" labelWidth="100px"
action="" id="Studio">
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/studio.jsp"%>
<rich:tab styleClass="favorities" label="Favorities" labelWidth="100px"
id="favorities" reRender="videomessage" action="#{FavoriteVideos.favoritevideos}">
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/favoriteVideosimage.jsp"%>
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/player.jsp"%>
<%@ include file="/searchContent.jsp"%>

Now in this page i want to always keep the home tab enabled.
16 years ago
Hi venkat,
actually i have four tabs and the first tab is home tab.
when the application is loaded the home tab will be enabled by default.
Under the home tab(which includes many pages) i have many links which will navigate me to other pages.
Once i navigate to other page(by clicking on one of the link) and want to come back to home page,it should be done by clicking on home tab which I am not able to achieve.

It means i should be able to keep alive the home tab all the time.
i think this information is some what clear than the previous one.
so please help me in achieving the solution.
16 years ago

i just want to know how to keep enable a tab for all the time(whether it is clicked or not).

Anyone please provide me a solution.
16 years ago
i have a small doubt regarding the usage of properties file(resource bundle).
can i use the properties file in datagrid,if so can anyone let me know how?
16 years ago
i have found the struts-faces.jar in struts 1.3 version.
it is the inbuilt jar in struts 1.3 version.

but still I am facing problem in migrating from struts to jsf.

if any one worked out on this,please let me know
16 years ago
hi all,
I am unable to send a parameter from my jsp to my managed bean.

can anyone help me out please
16 years ago
thanks guys,
i got the solution.
As Dittmer said,i shifted the images folder to the WEB-INF level and i am able to view the images .
16 years ago
this is my method
private void deleteCookie(HttpServletResponse response, String cookie) {
Cookie c = new Cookie(cookie, null);
c.setMaxAge( 0 );
c.setPath( "/" ); // for all subdirs

I am calling it from my action class.
After executing it also,m unable to delete the cookie,i mean unable to set the maxAge=0;

anyone help me out
16 years ago
hi everyone

I am unable to achieve cookie management in internet explorer where as i am able to manage this in mozilla...

can any one provide me the cookies code to store my userid and password in my login page(for internet explorer)
16 years ago
hi everyone,
I have read that we can integrate the struts application with jsf using "struts-faces.jar".
Is that possible? if so please anyone provide me struts-faces.jar,if not the exact path to download the jar.
16 years ago
hi I am a beginner in jsf,

i just want to know how to navigate to a jsp by clicking on a commandlink which is in the <rich:menu>
16 years ago
when i click on a commandlink which is in the <richmenu>
I am getting this error....

12:54:20,322 WARN [Parameters] Parameters: Invalid chunk ignored.

and after that
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space is followed.

please anyone help me out in solving this problem
16 years ago
Error: LOG is not defined
Source File:
I am facing this problem when m trying to click on a command link.

can anyone help me out in clearing this problem
16 years ago