Luis Fernandes

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since Sep 22, 2007
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Recent posts by Luis Fernandes

I try to use ireport a when a call the report i receive the following error :

I Use netbeans to build app. and i have put necessary .jar files into classpath from the lib of ireport folder. Can someone help me with this issue ? I use the ireport 2.0.4


i have a app in swing and a web cam that works fine . its possyble to take pictures inside my java swig app ? I want to accees to web cam take picture and save the picture to C:\myapp\photos\ all inside in my app swing. wiho components i must use to do that ?

15 years ago

Its possyble to print data ( Text with especific font ; Images ) that are inside in a JTextPane to a report jrxml ?

The problem is that, i have a JTextPane that the users put the information , and sometimes they need to put there images , but i cannot send the text with the image to ireport.

And sometimes they change the font or color of some words, but when this contents pass to ireport they show only text with the color difined in the field that receive this information in report.

the field in ireport are difined with the type STRING.

can someone help me in how to send information exacty like they are in JTextPane to a report (jrxml ), with text and images ?

15 years ago

Its possible to know if someone is try to gain acces to my database ?

I want to monitoring my database ( in sql server 2000 ) named PRODUTION.

I whant a report or alert allways some service or app make a sql select against to my database . and this report must show me the user and the table that are afect

Its possible to do that ?

I have no code, my swing app and the main app works fine, but i wnat now to create key to limit the customer to pay for my app. The only way that i find to do this, is creating keys that have time limitation.

Can someone help me in how to obtain this result ? wish API can i use to do this ?
16 years ago
Can someone help me in how to create a serial key to my app ?

I have a app and a need to create another app only to generate serial numbers, that my fisrt app will read and recognise. the serial key app must generate for keys for 4 periods( 1 or 3 or 6 and 12 mouth ), i have create for that, a swing app with 4 check box, a text field ( For the customer name ), but now i need create a method that catch the period that user select, cath the customer name, and generate a serial based on this information. The serial must be always different, and the other app must read the serial and allow the user to use app if the key is not expired.

Someone help me

16 years ago

i have a jsp page very simple, that have a form with a text field and a submit button, above are the code :

As you can see i have a action named "dasaldo" that is the name of my servlet, above are the servlet code :

Everything works fone, and when a put the name of client and press submit,
the app print in System.out.println the resultset fine.

the problem is that i want to put the resultSet in the page and not in System.out.println
what can i do to put the result of query in the same JSP that have the text field and the submit button ?

best regards
16 years ago

I use netbeans, and i have a project ( Desktop app ) that must be available in two languages ( english and Spanish ).
At this moment the app are only available in English, and i want add app avilable in spanish too.

Can someone help in how to do this ?
16 years ago

can someone help to configure out my app to prevent SQL injection ?

What can i do in resultSet ? i have to do something in my JTestField and JPasswordFile ?

I have a folder that contain on hundred files, and i want to know when each file was moved to this folder.

I need to know what is the date of creation of each file.

I try the method but this return me a string like : 1193067735994

can someone help me ?

16 years ago

I receive the following error :

here is my code :

After the code insert the firt row , it send me the exception : java.sql.SQLException: Cursor state not valid.

I know that the source ( ptabela ) have 500 rows (in this case i only want 10 rows), but i dont know why, the code write in database the first rows and after that trows me the exception.

Whats wrong with my code ?

my envoirenment is microsft. its not necessary provide any user and password to access in this files ?

can i replace the network file to a local folder in my machine ?
17 years ago
Its possyble to copy a file that are in a network location to my computer (C:\)

If yes :

Can someone give me a example in how to open a file that are in a network location, inside my network( For example : \\\\Clients\\Luis.xls ).

And how to move a file that are in a location to another ( For example : move \\\\Clients\\Luis.xls to \\192.168.300.3\\Advanced_Clients\\ )
17 years ago

I have a query that returns all the clientes in my store

I have the following code :

this code create the file well, but only write the first client ( On line )

Can someone tell me what�s the problem ?

i know that in database i have 60 clients, because my System.out.println(resultSet.getString(1)); print the 60 clients

Obrigado desde ja !
17 years ago

I receive the number from my clients in this format : 12.855,70 ; 25.000.25 ;

1.000,00 but my app only reconize the number whitout the dots and in a format that the all number must have 15 char

for example the above number must be : 000000001285570 ; 000000002500025 ;

i need to configure my app to put the receive string in this format. can someone help with this job ?

17 years ago