Sumit Gaikaiwari

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since Sep 24, 2007
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Recent posts by Sumit Gaikaiwari

Congrats Mikhail...

you gave both exams same time??? and scored marvelous in both... that's definitely a great effort indeed... relax and plan for a now...
16 years ago
Thanks Christophe... I'm happier than ever before
and I was going to ask what it will take to upgrade me to impressive "Ranch Hand" designation...
16 years ago
First, I am very sorry, even after knowing this topic has been posted here several times, I am creating new thread for same, one reason, I saw all those posts dated past an year or so...

I bought HFSJ book in last week, it's very good book... I studying it at home, but I would've liked to have it's ebook to continue same in office in free time (which I have plenty to spend)

I bought ebook copy of Hanumant Deshmukh book, but I think I should go one book at a time... guys, by any chance, are you planning to release soft copy of this book? It will be very good to have...
[ July 31, 2008: Message edited by: Christophe Verre ]
If you see start of line, its "int[] ....", so every variable declared afterwards will be one dimensional array of type int, so the declaration
int[] a => a is an one dimensional array that can take int members

but, int[] b[] => makes b two dimensional array, as this declaration is equivalent to "int b[][]", it's an example of how weired Java syntaxes can be...

As an advice, pay very close attention to such pitfalls (though this is not a compiler error), scan your question like a compiler first before figuring out what logic is doing, many times, you can rush directly to option "won't compile" without looking at logic...

Sun seems to become lot generous these days... I also got 210 minutes when I gave exam in last week, inspite officially it's 175 minutes
16 years ago

The reason compiler complains is because for loop is also conditional, it may not run even single time if condition does not satisfies for first time only...

If you change loop such that it will definitely run and x will get value, compiler wont complain. Try following code-

Thank you guys

Can you tell me how should I get sun logo to make my resume impressive
[ July 25, 2008: Message edited by: Sumit Gaikaiwari ]
16 years ago
Thanks Tyagi,

You have also got definitely very good score, we are in sailing in same boat....
16 years ago
Congrats Ravi,

Can you post links to the mocks you tried, so that I can practice them once I'm done with preparation?

Many thanks...
16 years ago
Hi Sumaraghavi,

The time allotted was 210 mins only... I was also bit surprised and happy to see that... But I would like all exam takers to stick to official timings according to Sun only. This will definitely be advantageous.

One more good thing I found out was for D & D questions. I have seen lot of posts complaining about D & D bug in prometric software that it erases all answers if you try to review it. Actually when I tried to review D & D question it (politely ) presented a pop-up saying that this action would erase my previous answer and I will need to start from scratch. So, for D & D it is for sure that answer wont get erased accidentally.

Though the two questions I messed up were definitely from D & D section only... so be sure and review answer for all possibilities at first time only.
16 years ago
SCJP 5 only... I guess they have unified exam timings for all exams...
16 years ago
Great achivement buddy with very few days of preparation... congrats...

My next target is scwcd now... will have to start thinking about it shortly...
[ July 23, 2008: Message edited by: Sumit Gaikaiwari ]
16 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I've cleared exam today scoring 97%. Feeling very happy with score...

The exam was rather easier than every mock I tried, but you need to be very careful, I spotted 3 wrong answers which I corrected in review after solving all question.

The good thing was I got time for exam of 210 minutes, I was expecting it to be 175 mins...

Thank you all for this very dynamically active forum, I got to learn many things and valuable tips from here. cheers...
[ July 23, 2008: Message edited by: Sumit Gaikaiwari ]
16 years ago
Thanks guys for quick response, now I am getting it somewhat clearer.

So, can I summarize like this-
When I have threads started with different runnable objects, and still I want my synchronized code to run by only one thread at a time, I need to get lock on a class variable.

I tried with locking on 'TestThisThread.class' and output comes nicely in order according to my assumption.

In this scenario, it seems locking on 'this' can have undesirable effects. I mean if every thread is allowed to enter into synchronized code, does it signifies code is almost as if not synchronized?

Kamal, as per Sagar's explanation, when threads are started with same runnable object (in this case say, 't1') synchronizing on 'this' will be ok, as both threads will be having same 'this' i.e. t1 runnable object.
[ July 17, 2008: Message edited by: Sumit Gaikaiwari ]