Abhijit Das

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since Sep 25, 2007
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Recent posts by Abhijit Das


We have to run .jar file from the c#.net application. But we need to use JVM.dll file instead of using java.exe.

We are using JNI Bridge to create the instance of the JVM.dll.

Please anybody help with the issue.

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago
According my understanding, the execution steps are as follows.

20 -> 21 -> 16 -> 17 -> 07 -> 08 -> 04 -> 05 -> ...........

Where number represents the line no. shown in the code block.

But, while debug, the execution steps are

20 -> 21 -> 16 -> 17 -> 07 -> 13 -> ->14 -> ....

I think, now it is cleared my question!!!

For Abimaran Kugathasan,

What is the actual type of the you are creating?

- Creating object of the type Derived

The overridden methods are invoked on the actual object.

- Not clear the question
14 years ago
Hi ,

I am looking for the execution process of the program. Why the showDevice() of the super class, i.e. Base is NOT invoked. My expected output is
base value : base or null

Another doubt, The static variable/ class member is executed at the time of class loading instead of object creation.So, if this is correct, will be called before construct invocation.

Please help me to understand the concept.

FYI, Wouter, the answer is not clearing my doubts. Please go through the question again.
14 years ago

From above code, the Output is
Derived value :null
Derived value :derived

But, why the showMethod() of Base class that is Line 1 is NOT invoked?
Please explain the execution flow of the program.
14 years ago

I want to load the Arabic resource bundle in a Servlet and it is deployed in webSphere 7. Code is

resourceBundle object is EMPTY. no exception is raised.
Resourcebundle files name are
But for other languages like en, iw, ru, ja, hi... working fine.

I have seen that WAS 7 is using jdk6. Is it a problem for that. but I tried with standlalone java file , it is working fine.

Please help .

14 years ago
Hi Eric Pascarello,

I can not use no repeat, as the image will not grow while use full screen mode. i tried, blank area comes after the image.
Hi Eric Pascarello,

I can not use no repeat, as the image will not grow while use full screen mode. i tried, blank area comes after the image.
hi friends,

I want to restrict my HTML page(say login.html) in full screen view mode. So, if user click F11 or others to get the full screen of the page, it always shows the normal mode.
Since, I used a image for that page, if it is shown in full screen, it comes twice for extra space.
Is there ant ways using javascript to stop full script mode.


I am inserting using JAVA APIs.
for example,
String str = "Jhon & Paul";

The the String varaible to be inserted into XML file in an element , say,
<names> </names>

I am inserting using XML perser using JAVA APIs.

so, It is inserted as
<names> Jhon & amp; amp; Paul</name>

Note: ignore the space between & and amp;

If i use CDATA , then teh actual text is coming but CDATA. is also there.

I want to insert the & in the text data of a xml elment. This is referece to my last post.
It is inserted as &amp; in the text data .

Please help.

I want to store the splcial character '&' in the CDTA ( text data part ) of XML tag using JAVA APIs . But, it is being replaced by & .
Please help me.

Hi Paul,

I have gone through the article. But, I need the explanation about the splecailly, Arrabic caharacter. How to get the the character in server end and store/retive into/from the MySQL 4.1

the Arabic labels in my HTML from is correctly comming in the browser by setting response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8") in my servlet;
so, I need to work on the arabic character in the input box in my form.

15 years ago

I want to read the Arabic font from the HttpServletRequest object. I have inserted a Arabic word in a input control and send the data in the Server (JBoss).
But, I have got the garbage value by using

Again,I want to store the the Arabic string into the mySQL 4.1 datablase.

Please help me.

15 years ago
Hi Neeraj ,
Actually I am using XHTML files only and java file for Portlet.
runtime I am setting the URL value generated in the the Java file using createActionURL() and set it by using java DOM object API in the XHTML file in a hidden field. Once click on the submit, in the javascript
document.myform.action= <the hidden field value- the URL >;

On the otherhand, if i set the URL in the
<form action="" >
and uses the submit button, it works fine.

15 years ago

I am having multiple buttons in a page. Using javascript onclick() event, I want call the portlets and the URL for that is retrived using createActionURL() and passed to the hiddent field of the XHTML.

Now, using(considered it as angular brackets)
document.forms[0].action = <URL>;
document.forms[0].mentod= "post";

The processAction() is called. but the request object is not hold the entered values. I m not getting the entered values in the file.

Please help.
15 years ago