dave natx

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since Sep 25, 2007
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Recent posts by dave natx

Thank you for the reply! I will definitely check out the other methods in your book. I'm also interested in your MVP approach since you hit the nail on the head in another thread outlining the issues you’ve encountered with the existing libraries. e.g. nested widgets etc...

So far, with Spring for XSRF, I really like this approach: http://technowobble.blogspot.com/2010/05/gwt-and-spring-security.html

I also like this one with gwt-dispatch and App Engine:

As you said, since GWT 2.1 is heading in that direction I hope to see some more "native" support for Spring Security.

14 years ago
Hi Federico,

In the security section do you offer any code solutions for XSRF (cross-site request forging)? Do you illustrate how to implement GWT with any security frameworks such as Spring Security?
14 years ago
I’m excited to see a book covering GWT 2! My two questions are the following:

In the MVP section, do you simply elaborate on the core concepts and “roll your own” solution or do you also cover a library such as GWTP or gwt-presenter/gwt-dispatch?

In the security section do you show any examples integrating with a framework such as Spring Security?

Didn't realize I posted in your thread roger. My apologies...
14 years ago
Hi Mary,

I believe the issue is literal integers are always implicitly ints so to call a byte constructor with a literal int you would need to explicitly cast it: this((byte)4);

