CJ Fleck

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since Jun 26, 2001
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i'm not real sure about the interface one. however, the abstract class one i have seen and used before. basically it is so any class that extends this abstract parent class can use that variable. if sub1 and sub2 are classes that extend this abstract class then both of them inherit their parents qualities. this really exemplifies the idea of subclassing.
i am unclear however on what the interface use would be.
i have no problem in being "only" a student because i am one myself. and maybe i am just lucky that the profs at my school are helpful and will take the time to sit down and explain certain aspects to me when i need help. or perhaps i just ask. you seem bitter. why?
23 years ago
ok, i'll admit it. i came across a bit more rash than i intended. yes i also understand that people can't learn everything about java in 2 days. my reply wasn't in response to the question or its difficulty. it was directed towards the fact that this is someone's actual homework. i've been ragged on for asking question because people THINK they are homework when in reality they are not. while i am pretty confident that a lot of the questions posted here are in fact homework problems, i appreciate the effort most people make to hide that fact. when it comes down to it, if you are having problems with something like this on homework, odds are good you don't fully understand it. that is you probably need more help with it than a couple of joes at the saloon can offer. perhaps the best idea would be to talk to a professor or someone else who can help with more with the big picture. just getting through the assignment doesn't help anyone.
23 years ago
or you could read whatever book your instructor provided and do the homework yourself.
23 years ago
so what you are saying is that since there is obviously a Base constructor that takes 2 ints, then Base() must also explicitly state any other needed constructors.
assume super( blah, blah ) isn't there anymore. would it still be required have any explicit constructors in Base()?
23 years ago
if you dont declare any constructors for Base, isn't there some sort of default implicit constructor though?
23 years ago
a certain book says that with the given class...
public class Test extends Base{
public Test( int j ) {
public Test( int j, int k ) {
super( j, k );
that the constructor Base(){} must explicitly exist in the definition of the Base class. why does this need to exist exist explicitly?
23 years ago
i think your problem is a security one because it is an applet. i have heard that it is possible to set an applet's securtiy policies by using the policy tool. i have never used it, but i believe you must type policytool in the console to set it. it brings up a dialog box that you must fill out the fields in. thats all i know about it. also, i believe that this only changes a specific applets policies on your computer. if you want to do this on another computer they have to set the policy as well.
23 years ago
a computer-human interaction course would be handy too. they tend to focus on what is intuitive for the user. that always makes for a better web page.
23 years ago