rajesh karmani

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since Jun 26, 2001
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Recent posts by rajesh karmani

Well the biggest question Entity solves is the
O-R mapping. Coupled with this facility it provides transaction, instance pooling , synchronization etc. Entity beans are based on GoF's Template Pattern. They are slightly deviating from objected-oriented coz of their nature of being data store. But so is sql and relation database too. So the bridge comes in the form of O-R mapping component model.
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP2 (90%)
SCWCD (93%)
UML (79%)
J2EE (89%)
For beginners Mastering EJB is highly recommended as the other one is slightly above-board for beginners. So go out and study Mastering and then move on to the one by Richar Haefel
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP,SCWCD,IBM certified UML and J2EE
You can use Jboss3.0 or JRun for testing ejb purposes. They are fairly stable and light enuff for testing.
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP2, SCWCD, J2ee and UML certified by IBM
Hello all,
If we implement a class with HttpSessionBingindListener, do we have to register it in web.xml to get the event notifications. I am still confused regarding it
Everything in use by a servlet must either be in the WEB-INF\lib or WEB-INF\classes folder. These are the default classpath in case of any servlet container and we cant configure it to use classes outside these folders
Rajesh Kumar
(SCJP2 - 90%, SCWCD 93%, UML 79% , J2EE 89%)
But the request.getRequestDispatcher() does both the jobs correctly. So really it is not necessary to use the ServletContext version.
Rajesh Kumar
Hello all,
I am not clear abt this empty sub-class technique. Why do we use it and what does it actually achieve? Though i agree with hanumant that only instance is create per listener tag in web.xml. If it implements multiple interfaces then it is automatically handled by the container.
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP2,SCWCD, UML(486), J2EE(483)
The reply from Andreas is fully comprehensive. The servlet cotainer calls the generic service method which delegates the call to the http-specific service method by type-casting the arguments in HttpServlet. This method calls the req.getMethod() to determine the doXXX() method.
Rajesh Kumar
Hello all,
Actually being jdk1.4 certified means he has given the jdk1.4 beta free exam though it is a.k.a Java2 platform. They dropped awt and io in the objectives and included Assertions. I am also certified in jdk1.4b.
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP2, SCWCD, UML(486), J2EE(483)
Although they have already provided the pdf for the book but still its alwasy nice to have the actual thing. J2EE cudnt have been there where it stands today , without XML. Its good to have a book that documents all the dependency b/w J2ee and xml.
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP2,SCWCD, IBM certified UML and J2EE
As i have heard its better to design a messenger based on RMI rather than writing a custom protocol using sockets or is it the other was round?
Can somebody clarify in that regard?
Sure it seems like an interesting reading. After studying java and working on it, there are still basic things which just dont fit in. This book is a nice change from the learning guides.
Yeah quite right, mapping is only added to web.xml of ur application which is present in the web-inf folder. May be if u r using tomcat try creating a new application because sometimes it has problems.
22 years ago
Hi all,
Can anybody guide me as to how to call/access servlets thru J2ME applications?
22 years ago
All the big guns Nokia, Motorola and Siemens are not investing in J2ME for nothing. The simple and RAD-style development and portability regardless of the device and Sun's constant efforts to improve it makes it a hot technology.
22 years ago