eduardo ferreira

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since Oct 01, 2007
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Recent posts by eduardo ferreira

Hi Faisal.

I'm glad you liked the study guide. Yes, I took the exam at the beginning of this year. It's kinda similar to other "java speciality" exams, fun to study, differently from java programmer exam where you simply have to memorize a lot of useless concepts. Although, of course, you need to memorize some device requirements from the specs (like memory size, screen size, etc).

Below is a link to a study guide I wrote some time ago when studying to SCMAD. There's an eclipse workspace with API-usage samples, and a study guide/presentation.

If you find any error, please report to taxista at gmail.

16 years ago

Below is a link to a study guide I wrote some time ago when studying to SCMAD. There's an eclipse workspace with API-usage samples, and a study guide/presentation.

If you find any error, please report to taxista at gmail.

I finnaly got my certification kit yesterday! But no score breakdown yet.

Originally posted by ankur rathi:

Can you explain little bit more about this line: "But when you use web services instead of IIOP to access a SLSB you lose some infrastructure services like transaction propagation."

I searched but didn't understand it.

When using container-managed transactions, you set attributes to define the transaction type of the method. When using any of the following:
# Required
# Mandatory
# Supports
If the caller has a transaction, it will be bound to the transaction used on this method (so if the caller's transaction rolls back the client transaction will roll back also). If the caller is remote, the only way for this to work is if the protocol being used is IIOP.

So, when using an EJB to expose a web service, you should think that it's methods should have only "requires new" or "not supported" transaction behavior.
What is "the effect a JSF application has on search engines spidering a primarily JSF site" ???

Originally posted by ankur rathi:
I am confused in the relationship b/w web service and stateless session bean.

A stateless session bean can be a client of web service? Or A stateless session bean can be a web service? And other client can access it like web service?

Please put some more information about both.


Yes, yes, and yes. But when you use web services instead of IIOP to access a SLSB you lose some infrastructure services like transaction propagation.
Nothing regarding SOA?
On the EJB spec, the entity beans were not evolved, but were not deprecated either. They will be deprecated on Java ee 6.
They define the "service to worker" and "dispatcher view". On the first, you:
- call the controller
- call business tier
- display view

On dispatcher view, you simply "display the view", and they say that the needed data must already be on session scope or something like that. So this could be only used for static pages or "back buttons".

I agree, this is no pattern. Some j2ee patterns are really stupid. As I already said, I'm hating this book. Some patterns are useless, and the good patters are badly explained.

Originally posted by amit taneja:

can you please explain it in detail like

when you say struts servlet, it is struts action class in struts framework, whihc we don't write but that operates on the basis of struts-config.xml

and when you say "application controller" what you mean ?
we code view and action class/ which we extends the dispact action where we logically send action forward object ? i think

Yes, I think the front controller is the strut's servlet you declare on web.xml file (org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet), and I see every action you code on your application (extending org.apache.struts.action.Action) as an application controller coded using the command pattern.

I don't think it's really useful to discuss too much beyond this point as the patterns on j2ee book are very abstract. I had never read this book before, and I'm reading it for the architect exam. I'm really hating this book: the patterns are not well explained, it gives you a LOT of bad examples (like coding a front controller using a JSP and stuff like this) and contains blocks senseless texts, so you have to skim through pages and pages. The problem is that I don't think that we have any other source for this subject, so we will have to read this book anyway, but with some care.
[ October 02, 2007: Message edited by: eduardo ferreira ]
No they are not.

- Front controller : Struts SERVLET.
- Application Controller : The struts actions you code.