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since Jun 26, 2001
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Recent posts by adachi

Hi everyone.
I am developing an embedded system with a small hardisk which cannot provide storage for X window system and J2SE. So, I use J2ME personal profile which it claimed that "did not require a platform-level GUI library or graphics/window system".
This is what I want but I cannot fixed. I can run all the demo program for the personal profile J2ME in the X window but I can't do that if I run it without X. Is there any porting notes for that or can any one help?
20 years ago
Hi All,
I want to know can JMF be used with J2ME? As it's requirement is Java 2 and J2ME is based on Java2 also. Or, does anyone try the Media Lib of J2ME?
20 years ago
I am developing a software that want to connect to a ***.mdb when I distributed it. So, I can't set anything in the client's computer such as ODBC. Thus, I want to use JDBC connect to the Database directly.
Can I?
Thanks for you attention
I have created a JTable and want to set the alignment of each column independently. Meanwhile, I want to set one of that columns cannot be edited.
I have get each column such like this:
javax.swing.table.TableColumn column1 =
Any one can help me??
22 years ago
Just like in JSP files, if I want to print sth in html format, I can use out.print("xxx"), but what should I do if I want to do the same thing in a bean.

Please help, thanks.
22 years ago
I was just install JRun Server and I haven't change any configuration, but I don't know where I should put my jsp file and class file.
Besides, when i try to start JRun Admin Server or JRun Default Server, it showed that JRun exited abnormally and ask me to check the log file.
Can anyone help me??
Thank you very much.
22 years ago
Hi, Tim May,
I've already follow all the steps from the web site you've mentioned, but the class file still not found.
"D:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\jsp\SQLBridge.class does not contain type jsp.SQLBridge as expected, but type SQLBridge"
Is that right if I put the class file under
OR, any suggestion for what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for your help
22 years ago
I just setup tomcat for my JSP server. I have a JSP program which has some class files involved, and I put them into the same directory. However, the JSP enginee always tell me that the class file was not found. Where should I put the class??
22 years ago
I have aready develop a frame with card layout, but it has some problem which is the frame first appear with all of the panel. The code as following:

Welcome to the ranch. While posting source code, please use the [ code ] opening and closing tags without the spaces. To use other tags please refer to the UBB Code link while posting a message.
Thanks for your cooperation.
- satya

[This message has been edited by Madhav Lakkapragada (edited June 26, 2001).]
22 years ago