Khushwinder Chahal

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since Oct 03, 2007
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Recent posts by Khushwinder Chahal

Hi Lester,

thanks for your reply. Actually i want to create a domain model for my project which will parse/read the different excel sheets and then will get the values of classes, relations and their instances. Hence i can not code the classes in the domain model directly as Java classes, and i have to implement a generic framework that can read any domain model (UML class diagram) from a file in a suitable format (XMI?).

So, i thought about the using xmi format for defining the uml classes format. Could you please tell me that am i going in right direction(by reading the xmi and store the classes,relationships in some variables and collection). Can you give me any other idea how to handle this situation?

14 years ago
Hi All,

Is there any way i can read an XMI file by writing java code rather that using nay tool(like EMF, MDI etc)? I want to write a java program which can read all the classes and attributes in an xmi file and then load then in the memory.

Please help.
14 years ago
Hello Tim,

thanks for your reply.

I am trying like :

outputText (non-link text)
- outputText (link text)

but they are coming in different cells.
Could you please tell me more about "panelGroup element as parent" so that they come in same line/cell.

14 years ago
Hi All,

In my jsp i have some text which is being displayed with the help of <h:outputtext> tag. i need to have a hyper link inside this value.

I am not finding any way how can i write tag inside .

My command link is as follows:

<h:commandLink action="#{}" value="here1"/>

If anyone has any idea please share.

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
Hi All,

I want to insert the line break in

I did not find any solution.

If anybody has any idea please suggest me.

14 years ago
Hi all,

I am using joint compilation for groovyc. But i am getting the following err :

My ant task for joint compilation is as follows:

<groovyc destdir="${test-build.dir}" classpathref="full.classpath" srcdir="${src.tellurium.webtest}" >

My stub file is looking like the following and its not having setMetaClass() method :

Its really very strange.
Anybody has any idea?

14 years ago
Is it not possible? or nobody has any idea?

14 years ago
Hi Martijn,

I am automating my branching task. I have done all the steps but only one step is left. I am using ant for this.

I have to test the maintenance builds with new svn repository url from new branching.

Now what i want is that 1) pass new svn repository url and 2) run that build.

14 years ago
Hi All,

We are using hudson from a very long time as a build server.

We have a requirement now.

We want to make an ant target that can start a hudson build after changing repository url for that build and this repository url we want to pass as a parameter through ant target.

Is it possible? Or there any other alternative for it? We are trying it from long time but failed.

Please suggest us.

14 years ago
Hi All,

I am using apach myfaces version 1.1.5 and tomahawk version 1.1.5 in my project with tomcat 6.

On one of my jsp page i am having a text box with value like D:\myfolder\subfolder\ .

When this page is rendering i am getting following warning at console

WARN [http-8080-2] 10-07 16:26:46 Invalid tag found: unexpected input while looking for attr name or '/>' at line 212 (

Is there any way i can get rid of this problem?

Thanks and Regards,
15 years ago
why are you thinking that i have not search on web?

I tried but i am not finding any example.

So i posted here.
Please do not make decisions so quickly and post here.
15 years ago
Hello All,

Is it possible to commit the file(s) in svn with the help of ant taks?

Please suggest me if any thing available.

Thanks and Regards,
15 years ago
Hi Jeanne,

thanks for your reply.
can you give me a small example of regex?
i do not know much of them

15 years ago
Hello All,

For improving speed of my website i am using the following

For implementing this solution i need to do the two things using ant:

1) Renaming all the static contents(css,js,img) files each time i make a build.
2)Replacing these new names in my jsp pages.

I have completed the first task successfully but getting problem in second task.

My ant task for js files replacement is given below:

But it is also replacing the jsp file with build number because the replacetoken value is like .js.
I want that it should only replace .js files not the .jsp.
Can anyone help me in this case.

Thanks and rgds

15 years ago