Vijaya Raghava wrote:Isn't it mean we should not mention the Softwares / Hardware Product Names we were planning to use for this assignment in the hardware / Software Requirements section ?
1. For the Sequence Diagrams part, am I suppose to add Stereotype for all of the components in the diagram ?? is it mandatory ? I added stereotype to only a few of them. But in the class diagram I mentioned stereotype for all of the classes /interfaces / JSFs. Please advice.
2.Despite being asked to provide 3 Top Risks and Mitigations, I added a few more, because I just feel important so to add them. Putting the top 3 on the top list. Please let me know if i can keep all of them as it is or else, am I need to only provide top 3.
3. Is there any strategy to be followed for selecting the type of LDAP Server, DNS Server, Load Balancer as a part of Deployment Diagram ? For a simple example, for the LDAP Server I can either opt for a Apache Directory Server or else Oracle Identity Manager (formerly SUN LDAP). Please advice.
4. Now coming to the contents of the assignment, I created only one index.html and included all the content and images inside it (of course I created separate folders for images and css ). Is it the best practice ? Why because, Sequence Diagrams are considerably bigger ones to be displayed. Will it be wise to display them in another HTML file popup when we click on the Sequence Diagram link on the index.html