Cool Impression

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since Jun 26, 2001
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Recent posts by Cool Impression

Hello I am Usman,
I am working in JSP,
I want to create Banners in JSP, The purpose is to advertise my sites.
How is this possible to create banners in JSP.
Can you tell me....
23 years ago
Hello I am Working in Java,
and using Microsoft Access 97 as a Database. I want to Store a picture or any object in Database as an Object. I am using Datatype for it as a OLE Object in Access.
But I am unable to store Image in My File and Get it(Select it).
Can you tell me how to do this in Java,
Storage of any picture file(.jpg,.gif) and any file as an Object.
Retrieval and Display.

I am Working in EJB, and using Java2 Enterprise Edition,
using j2sdkee1.2.1 as a deployment tool, I am getting a problem that when I am deploying my application on Windows 9.x platform it is deploying fine, but when I am deploying my application on Winnt Platform then at the last step("Deployment time") it gives me error. which the below.......
("There Was a Deployment Error java.rmi.ServerException: Remote Error Occur in Server thread;
Nested Exception is:
Java.rmi.RemoteException: Error Saving/Opening")
This error is confusing me, why is this, I am developing a stateless Bean, and making an .ear file process is simple, but this error teases...
Can you tell me about that,
Syed Usman Shaukat Ali

Hello I am Usman,
I am working with JSP,
I am using sessions, Can U tell me how to use HttpSessionBindListener interface with JSP, It's events , valueBound and valueUnbound.
and any suitable example.
If you can tell me.
Thank You.

23 years ago
Hello I am Working in JSP,
I donot know how ro Create a Custom Tag in JSP,
And how to run it,
Will It be run in Tomcat.

23 years ago
I am using Applet while creating a database connection I get
RuntimePermissionException "Access is denied"
while same code is running in windows 2000, and on Some Systems it runs.
Code is very simple. but I am getting Exception.
The code is:
import java.applet.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class testapp extends Applet{
static Connection cn;
static Statement st;
static ResultSet rs;
public void init()
cn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc dbc:testdsn");
rs=st.executeQuery("select * from tablename");;
}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
This is the code and I am getting the Exception on the line
What is this Error, and How this Exception can be solved Please
guide me about that.
It's Urgent.....
Thank You..;

23 years ago
I am working in Java, I want the My URL or any Message Must be Animating with Mouse, like a snake attached with Mouse,
Please Anyone tell me how to do this.
Thank you,
23 years ago
hello can anyone tell me source code to use authenticator to create my own users and send and receive mail to any one
if I have authenticator ""
how can i make user "[email protected]" and send mail to others.
Usman Shah.

23 years ago
Hello I am Usman,
I am working in JSP and want to use Apache web Server as a Web Applicaion Server with Apache JServ,
But I donot know how to Configure them, and where to Store my Jsp Page and Servlets.
Can You tell me how to configure and use them.
23 years ago
Hello I am Usman,
I am working in JSP and want to use Apache web Server as a Web Applicaion Server with Apache JServ,
But I donot know how to Configure them, and where to Store my Jsp Page and Servlets.
Can You tell me how to configure and use them.
23 years ago
Hello I am Usman,
I am working in Jsp, and using Java Mail Api, JAF1.0 for mail handling.
And want to make mail sending and reception project, mail sending is not a problem but I want to send and receive mails who are authenicated by the Database,
In general only send or receive mails who are register in my Database(their user name and password is correct).
if i am a user usman(Logged on to Database), I can send mail to all, but cannot receive mail of others.
Please tell me how is this possible using Java Mail Api(in Jsp),
Thank you.

23 years ago
Again I was Asking A Question that I want to configure Tomcat for "Apache" web server.
Not Standalone Tomcat server, It Means Apache with Tomcat Support Process.
complete detail of configuration.
Thank you
23 years ago
hello i am working with jsp,
Can you tell me how can i configure Tomcat with Apache web server
and running a sample page, where to save that JSP Page, either in Tomcat or Apache
23 years ago
Hello I am working in Applets with browser using Internet explorer 5.5
I want to make a toolbar having menus like Tabbed Pane,
I have a bit idea about that "Panel 's Shape will be changed "
but how, swings are not displayed in browsers.Can you guide me about that.
Thank you,

23 years ago
I am working in Jsp,
I want to use Jserv with Apache web server,
I have both servers but donot know their configurations.
Can you tell me the method.
Thank You.
23 years ago